Top 7 Supplements for Weight Loss Success

Top 7 Supplements for Weight Loss Success.
Top 7 Supplements for Weight Loss Success.

Is there such a thing as weight loss in a pill? While there are no magic pills or potions to help you instantly melt the fat, there are supplements that will absolutely aid your weight loss.

Many people when trying to lose weight, cut calories that reduce the nutrients you need to lose weight.. not to mention create or maintain optimal health! Many also do not realize that water is required for effective weight loss and without water, you are losing critical nutrients that are necessary for weight loss (aka optimal health).



Here are the Top 7 Supplements for successful weight loss:

1. B-Vitamins

B vitamins are critical for keeping stress under control, remembering where you left your car keys, bumping up your immune system and boosting your metabolism. The specific vitamin B-12 is especially important in helping to metabolize fats. B vitamins help to burn fat by increasing the absorption and utilization of protein. Protein is key to boosting metabolism and weight loss. Important: maintaining muscle mass while you lose weight is critical as it is easy to lose muscle along with fat.

Foods high in B Vitamins: Dark green leafy veggies, poultry, beef, fish, shellfish and eggs and whole grains.


2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C takes a star role in boosting immunity, forming red blood cells, helping to prevent inflammation and weight gain. Research suggests that a lack of vitamin C promotes low-level inflammation and this equates to FatFlammation – inflamed fat cells that promote a vicious cycle of weight gain. Most animals make their own vitamin C but we mortals must obtain it from our diet.

Foods high in vitamin C: Dark green leafy veggies (yes!), red bell peppers, strawberries, kiwi and citrus fruits.


3. Vitamin D3

The ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ promotes optimal health outside of just bone boosts mood, immunity and weight loss. Research shows that low levels of this nutrient can actually help pack on the pounds. A 2012 study in the Journal of Women’s Health, followed over 4,600 women over four and a half years. The researchers found that those with lower levels of vitamin D gained more weight than those with higher levels. Also, taking vitamin D3 will help reduce low-level inflammation.

Foods high in vitamin D: Fish, eggs, mushrooms and fortified foods. *Remember that fortified foods have the synthetic version of vitamin D2 added and thus the body finds it challenging to absorb it.


4. Magnesium

Magnesium is critical for optimal health and weight loss. Every organ and every bodily process requires magnesium..yet most people are walking around with a magnesium deficiency; in fact, 80% of all Americans are deficient as well as most overweight people. Magnesium is also involved in helping your body utilize proteins, carbohydrates and fats as well as promoting insulin balance. If you feel anxious or stressed, magnesium may help as well as tamp down on the stress hormone cortisol (the fat-promoting hormone if in excess).

Foods high in magnesium: Green leafy veggies, whole grains, dairy, apricots.


5. Omega 3 Fats

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that we must obtain from our diet. These fats not only help promote weight loss, but improve heart health, brain function and improve mood. Omega 3 fats are also well-known for their ability to reduce inflammation – including fat cell inflammation. A 2013 study reported in Food and Function found that women who took an omega 3 fish oil supplement lost more weight than those who did not.

Foods high in omega 3 fats: Wild salmon, shrimp, tuna, sardines, DHA-enriched eggs, grass-fed beef, walnuts, chia seeds, algae-derived DHA.


6. Selenium

Your healthy thyroid is key to your metabolism and selenium promotes healthy thyroid function. When your thyroid is not functioning properly, hypothyroidism can develop and lead to weight gain. In fact, many people are unaware their thyroid is not working the way it should. Weight gain can be a symptom of hypothyroidism.

Foods high in selenium: Beef, poultry, fish, eggs, Brazil nuts.


7. Fiber

A plethora of research shows the importance of fiber in weight loss. When you ingest fiber, you are decreasing the appetite hormone ghrelin or as I like to refer to it as the ‘gremlin ghrelin.’ You know that growling sound in your belly when you are hungry? That is ghrelin in action. Fiber tamps down ghrelin’s ability to trigger hunger and cravings. Studies show that those who take a fiber supplement lose more weight than those who do not. If you take a fiber supplement, ensure you drink enough water consistently throughout the day.

Foods high in fiber: Veggies (including artichokes, avocados), beans/legumes, whole grains, chia seeds, flax seeds, and nuts. The above seven supplements will help with your weight loss efforts! Remember that they are just that – supplements. Supplement your healthy weight loss plan and watch the fat melt and your overall health increase.

To Your Health.