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7 Yoga Poses For Athletes For A Full Body Stretch

Though the purpose of yoga has always been to take you on the spiritual path of unity, one cannot ignore the immense physical benefits...

Avoid These 9 High-Risk Physical Activities During Pregnancy

We can never place enough emphasis on the importance of indulging in some physical activity during pregnancy. For instance, practicing exercises regularly during pregnancy...

A Body-Sculpting Morning Yoga Routine

Practicing yoga benefits not only your mind but also your body. It is a great way to relieve mental and physical stress, to lose...

6 Easy Strength-Building Yoga Poses For Beginners

Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward facing dog pose strengthens the muscles of your arms, shoulders, and legs. Kumbhakasana or plank pose strengthens the muscles along the spine. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana or dolphin pose stretches your shoulders, feet, calves, and hamstrings. Utkatasana or chair pose benefits the spine, hips, and chest muscles. Vrkasana or tree pose strengthens legs. Chaturanga Dandasana or four-limbed staff pose develops core stability.

Yoga Poses That Help Keep Cholesterol Levels In Check

When practiced regularly, yoga can help to tackle a wide range of bodily problems. Some poses are specifically designed to stretch and exercise the...
The history of yoga: how it all began.

The History Of Yoga: How It All Began

Originally derived from the Sanskrit root "yug", the word "yoga" means the complete union of the individual soul or consciousness with the Spirit or the Universal Consciousness. Yoga’s has a long, rich history that may be divided into four main periods where it underwent innovation, practice, and development – namely Preclassical Yoga, Classical Yoga, Post-classical Yoga, and Modern Yoga.

The Practice Of Yoga Nidra And Its Multitudinous Benefits

Yoga Nidra is the conscious relaxation of the mind. Being a powerful meditation technique, it has become popular now. In Sanskrit ‘nidra’ means sleep....
Yoga helps in relieving a person from stress

9 Yoga Poses That Help Significantly In Easing Depression

Yoga is known to be a boon to humankind. Its practice had begun in the ancient days and is still a popular form of...

9 Ways You Can Include Yoga In Your Busy Life

Yoga is a great way to stay healthy, however, your busy schedule may prevent you from doing any yoga. But you can now practice yoga by making it a part of your life and you don't even have to visit any yoga studio. You can do yoga throughout the day, it can be done while you are bathing, while you are eating and even when you are at your office desk.

Reasons Why All Millennials Would Benefit From Practicing Yoga

Generation Y leads an amazing life in their own way. Tech-savvy millennials have everything they want to lead a supposedly happy life. An app...
A woman practicing yoga.

Yoga: The Ultimate Solution For PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

Yoga has been the secret to good health since centuries. The ancient practice of yoga has been regarded as the cure to most of...

Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of Folds On Your Back And Sides

Taking care of your back is important to improve your body posture. In the hustle and bustle of today's life, your back suffers a...
Beginner-friendly Tweaks To The Most Common Yoga Poses

Beginner-friendly Tweaks To The Most Common Yoga Poses

Using props like straps, blocks, folded towels, and cushions help attain a yoga pose easily for beginners. The common beginner yoga poses include cobra pose, downward facing dog, garland pose, warrior III pose, half moon pose, and cobbler's pose.

3 Yoga Poses For Weight Lifters To Reduce The Risk Of Injury

Got some exciting news for you – especially, if you are into yoga, weight lifting, or even a competitive weightlifting! And, if you want to...

How To Balance Your Doshas With Ayurveda And Yoga

The human body consists of three doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each ruled by the five elements (Earth, Water, Air, Space, and Fire). Each one of us has two or three of these doshas that are more dominant and our body and mind are greatly influenced by these. When an imbalance of the doshas occur, it results in physical and mental problems. With the regular practice of Yoga and Ayurveda specific to each dosha, we can balance the doshas.