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Pros And Cons Of Extended Breastfeeding

Everyone agrees about exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby. There is no doubt about the nutritional benefits it could provide a baby....

The Effectiveness Of Excision Surgery In Treating Endometriosis

Endometriosis is, unfortunately, a disease that affects one of the most unrecognized parts of a woman’s life, her period. It is a very personal...
Why Bidets Are Better Than Toilet Paper

Here’s Why You Should Ditch Toilet Paper For A Bidet

Introspection is a powerful exercise and can put you on the road to self-improvement. So if you’re in the mood to dig deep and...

5 Physical Health Conditions That Can Cause Anxiety

Anxiety doesn’t always start out as a mental disorder. Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland, can increase metabolic rate and induce anxiety. With anemia, heart rate may increase as the body tries to circulate blood faster. Anxiety, plus fatigue and shortness of breath, may show up before a heart attack. Are your periods irregular? You might have polycystic ovary syndrome, which can cause anxiety from high testosterone. Deficiency of zinc, iron, and some B vitamins may also cause nervousness.
folic acid-rich foods for pregnancy

Top 10 Folate-Rich Foods To Eat Before And During Pregnancy

Pregnant women need 600 mcg folate in early pregnancy to avid neural defects in the newborn. Toss up dishes with leafy greens like spinach and kale, crucifers like broccoli, and versatile veggies like okra, squash, asparagus, and beets. Snack on nuts, seeds, and citrus fruits. Get your carbs from whole grains, but keep a watch on the intake if they are folic-acid fortified.

Why Do Pregnant Women Have Food Cravings?

Ask any woman to describe her experience with pregnancy, and food cravings will definitely figure in the conversation. Food cravings, and crazy ones at...

What Is Cervical Erosion? Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Cervical erosion, or ectropion, means that cervical cells have grown outside the cervix. Common causes include hormonal imbalance like puberty, pregnancy, and birth control. Major symptoms are vaginal discharge, spotting, and lower back pain, though many women are asymptomatic. The doctor will also see that the cervix is red and inflamed. Is spotting bothersome? Electrocautery uses the cells with an electric current, while cyrocautery removes them with cold nitric oxide.

7 Reasons To Spend More Time In The Nude

We often wear comfortable clothes at home. But, research indicates that spending more time naked comes with a host of benefits. It improves one's body image and self esteem. It also boosts metabolism and burns fat. Sleeping naked improves one's quality of sleep, prevents vaginitis, and boosts sperm count. Going bra-less strengthens pectoral muscles, prevents infections due to breast feeding, and improves the mothers' bonding with their newborns. Lastly, going nude promotes intimacy in relationships.

The Story Of Cesarean Section: From Inception To Transformation

Cesarean section or c-sections is a widely-known surgical type of birth method. During the procedure, an incision is made in the mother's abdomen and...

Everything You Need To Know About Slow Fetal Growth

Every pregnant mom will have her own anxieties when she carries her little love. Even when they enjoy pregnancy, worries about the health of...

7 Questions A Dad-To-Be Should Never Ask His Pregnant Partner

Dads-to-be, welcome to the world of pregnancy. You might be surprised or panicked to see the new avatar of your wife. She may laugh...

Study Links Acetaminophen In Pregnancy To ADHD, But Experts Question Results

Acetaminophen has long been the pain reliever of choice for pregnant woman in the United States. For fever and pain during pregnancy, doctors often recommend...

6 Reasons You Have Muscle Cramps All The Time

Muscle cramps are common and almost everybody experiences them once in a while. Although it's not easy to pinpoint the exact cause of a muscle cramp, it's often the result of overtraining, dehydration, fatigue, or pregnancy. Sometimes, holding a certain position for a prolonged period of time can also cause cramps. To obtain relief from the cramps, perform light stretches, massage the area, and apply an ice pack.

8 Reasons Why Your Breast Size May Increase Suddenly

Sudden increase in breast size can be alarming. However, hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy and periods can all cause the breasts to change size over time. These changes are temporary. Weight gain can also cause an increase. Breast cancer, also characterized by enlarged breasts, can be detected early on using a breast self-examination. Evaluate all possible causes to determine the root of the problem.

5 Most Important Pregnancy Screening And Diagnostic Tests For Your Baby

To keep a check on your baby's health and developmental progress, various screenings and tests are done during those 9 months. Screening tests are...