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Clearing The Misconceptions About Food Detoxing

Most of us believe that detox can be a quick way to cleanse the body and lose weight. However, although you can reap immediate benefits, these methods might not really help in the long term. Know more about such cleansing methods and detoxes before considering them as your go-to regime for weight loss.

How Can Ayurveda Spark Spontaneous Weight Loss

The effectiveness of any diet is directly related to a healthy digestive system and your dosha. Strengthening your digestion and making certain lifestyle changes according to you dosha will contribute majorly to losing weight. These few simple Ayurvedic steps will strengthen your body and spontaneously help lose weight.

Benefits Of Sleeping In A Cold Air Conditioned Environment

Did you know that sleeping in cold AC temp helps overall wellness? Know the physical and mental benefits from sleeping in the cooling comfort of your AC.

5 Common Weight Loss Mistakes All Women Make

Shedding those pounds can be very tough. Sometimes, even when you're doing everything you possibly can, you get no results. This annoys most of...

How Many Calories In 1 Egg: Raw, Boiled, And Fried

While a raw egg has 72 cals, a hard-boiled egg has 78, a fried egg has 91, scrambled egg has 91, and an omelet has 94 calories. Instead of frying an egg in a lot of oil, eat it boiled or make it into an omelet stuffed with veggies to pack in more nutrients. Even if you're dieting, 1 egg a day has more benefits than harm, except when you have diabetes or high cholesterol. In that case, cut down on the yolk intake.

The Power Of A Healthy Cleanse

Stress-induced toxicity is growing due to our lifestyle and food habits. Healthy cleanses come as the savior. While the effect of short-term cleanses last for few days, the long-term cleanses act at the cellular level and ensure thorough detoxification. By giving attention to where your body needs the most, they also aid in weight loss.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Intermittent Fasting

Fasting has been used to detox the body as well as for weight loss. But fasting can be harmful if done in the wrong way and at the wrong time. Know more about what intermittent fasting is, how it can help, and when to avoid it. Incorporate it in your lifestyle with complete knowledge of the fasting method.

4 Powerful Spices That Promote Weight Loss

Spices not only enhance flavor but have proven to have several health benefits. Certain spices are known to increase metabolism, and shrink fat cells. Find out how ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper help to get rid of stubborn fat.
Moringa for weight loss

Moringa For Weight Loss: Fight The Fat Now!

When it comes to fighting fat and losing weight, few natural foods can beat moringa. It helps keep both blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check which in turn help the body weight in check. It is rich in antioxidants, chlorogenic acid and nutrients--all of them ace in fighting fat. Having moringa regularly not only helps you shed pounds, it is also found to reduce inches around your belly.
weight loss strategies

3 Most Overlooked Natural Weight Loss Strategies

Before signing up for an expensive weight loss program, take time to check what weight loss strategies you might have overlooked. Sometimes the smallest things could become obstacles. You can be eating well, and you can be doing all the right exercises. But if you are overlooking basic things, the scale isn’t going to budge.

Prepare For The Postpartum Period

A postpartum period or postnatal period is the period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for about six weeks. The...

7 Herbs For Weight Loss That Work Effectively

Weight loss supplements and “miracle cures” may seem tempting, but most of them are just eyewash. If you’re someone looking to lose weight naturally, what are your options? As it turns out, some popular herbs that you probably toss into your meals or teas without a second thought may be more useful with weight loss than you knew! From peppermint to parsley, your options are plenty – by restoring hormonal balance, easing gas, helping digestion, and much more, they'll be the boost that you desperately seek.

4 Spices That Promote Weight Loss

Certain spices like ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper not only add flavor to the meals, but can help you maintain a healthy body weight by boosting your metabolism, shrinking fat cells, and suppressing your appetite. Consuming even a little bit of these specific spices naturally upgrades your diet due to the substantial presence of antioxidants.

Weight Loss Struggles Despite An Active Workout?

Are you working hard at your fitness but not seeing results? If all the workout hours you put in just don’t seem to pay off, the problem could lie in your workout regimen, your diet, or some other little things you might have missed. In some cases, an underlying health problem like a thyroid that is not functioning optimally could be making weight loss a challenge. So take a closer look to figure out what’s preventing the weight loss!
Avocado for Weight loss

Avocado For Weight Loss: 5 Ways In Which This Fruit Helps

Those who eat avocados snack less and are more physically active – two sure-fire ways to lose weight. The monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) in the fruit boost your metabolism, keep belly fat away, and lower the LDL cholesterol levels in the body. And just half an avocado can keep you full for 5 hours. Eat the fruit daily.