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the change of seasons can disrupt your inner balance

6 Things You Can Do To Sync With Vata Energy

In Ayurveda, one of the fundamental concepts is that of the doshas. These are energetic forces of nature, consisting of vata, pitta, and kapha. All three are vital...
Essential oils are a part of aromatherapy that helps people stay healthy

The Essential Oils You Must Use According To Ayurveda

Aromatherapy is a personalized treatment and is done through scents or fragrances. An aroma that works for you might not work for everybody else...

How To Balance Your Doshas With Ayurveda And Yoga

The human body consists of three doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each ruled by the five elements (Earth, Water, Air, Space, and Fire). Each one of us has two or three of these doshas that are more dominant and our body and mind are greatly influenced by these. When an imbalance of the doshas occur, it results in physical and mental problems. With the regular practice of Yoga and Ayurveda specific to each dosha, we can balance the doshas.

How To Care For Your Ayurvedic Skin Type

The first step in an Ayurvedic approach to skin care is knowing your skin type. Based on the 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, there are 3 skin types. Vata skin is dry and delicate, Pitta skin is oily and sensitive, and Kapha skin is oily and thick. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance in your dosha can affect your health and skin.

Activities And Yoga Styles For Your Dosha

Irrespective of the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha), everyone must do some sort of activities that increase circulation and perks up the metabolism; among which yoga is one important aspect. Yoga offers different forms/styles for people with different dosha: Hatha yoga is for strength and flexibility, vinyasa for movement, basic for beginners, yin for seated postures, power yoga for stamina, ashtanga for endurance, bikram for balancing, and kundalini yoga is for awakening the energy within our body.

5 Yoga Poses To Balance Vata Dosha

Grounding yoga poses are best for vata dosha body types. Start with the easy cross-legged pose and warrior pose to create a solid foundation. Vata dosha yoga should also include poses that loosen up the lower back, like cobra pose. Relaxation in between positions is necessary, so do a child’s pose when transitioning into another position. The restorative corpse pose will relax vata dosha’s restlessness, especially when it’s done for a long time. To pacify vata imbalance, avoid abrupt movements.

Ayurveda And Nutrition

We are well aquatinted with nutritional terms such as calories, proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals – yes? Who has not tried a low-carb...

Which Of The Three Ayurvedic Personality Types Do You Fit Into?

Five thousand years ago, when Indian gurus were studying human physiology, they began to believe that each individual is made up of various energies...

Tongue Analysis To Know Your Health and Happiness

Tongue analysis is an integral part of an Ayurvedic examination. Traditionally, there are eight areas that an Ayurvedic practitioner observes in a client. They...

Warming Foods To Balance Your Vata This Winter Season

According to Ayurveda, the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are biological energies that are present throughout the human mind and body. The doshas regulate all...

Balance Your Vata With This Ayurvedic Home Remedy

Powder 2 tbsp fennel seeds, 2 tbsp cumin seeds, 2 tbsp coriander seeds, 2 tbsp jaggery powder, 1 tsp carom seeds, 1 tsp asafoetida powder, 1 tsp dry ginger powder, and black mineral salt (to taste). For a richer flavor, roast all ingredients (except jaggery, ginger powder, and salt), then pulverize them. Balance your vata dosha to avoid pitta and kapha doshas imbalances, too.
Can sleep deprivation cause diabetes

Can Sleep Deprivation Lead You Down The Diabetes Path?

Lack of sleep increases risk of disorders like obesity, hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. It makes the body insulin-resistant, requiring more insulin to maintain normal glucose levels. It may alter the body's stress-control center and hormonal balance, affecting glucose regulation. Obesity increases risk of blood sugar malfunction by making it harder for cells to utilize insulin.
how to keep joints healthy

How To Keep Joints Healthy With Ayurveda?

Joint pain can be caused by circulation issues or vata imbalance. Consume sweet, sour and salty food and eat fewer bitter, astringent and pungent foods. Toxic accumulation also causes joint pain. Massage joints using mahanarayana or mahavishagarbha oil. Eat calcium rich foods and include spinach, kale and asparagus in your diet. Avoid caffeine and an acidic diet.
Yoga for Vata Dosha

The Yoga Ayurveda Connection: Yoga For Vata Dosha

Yoga for balancing Vata Dosha includes grounding forward folds such as Balasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Halasana and Prasarita Padottanasana. It also includes Apana Encouragers such as Malasana and Apanasana and Restorative Style Postures such as Supported Backbend Inversion: Instant Maui, Salamba Savasana and Salamba Virasana.

Top 10 Balancing Tips To Stay Grounded This Vata Season

1. Oil every orifice: oil-pulling, nasya, basti. 2. Do daily oil self massage. 3. Cook with ghee to reduce dryness and improve tissue quality. 4. Get into routine. 5. Spend quality time with supportive people. 6. Stay at home more. 7. Sleep before 9pm. 8. Spend less time with electronics. 9. Get a massage. 10. Flame-gaze: Stare at the flickering flame and get immersed.