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Nutritional value of white rice.

Nutritional Value Of White Rice: Pros And Cons To Consider Before You Dig In!

Contrary to popular belief, white rice isn’t all empty calories and carbs! It is a good source of nutrients like selenium, manganese, copper, vitamin B6, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium. It even has some protein. But it may not fare better than brown rice nutritionally. Don’t overdo your intake, switch it up with other whole grains as much as you can, and you’ll be fine!

5 Healthy Refined Carbs-Less Options For Pasta Lovers

Whole wheat pasta and whole grain spelt pasta are rich in fiber and protein content as unlike their refined carbs-counterparts, they retain their essential nutrients. Gluten-free quinoa pasta is high in protein and minerals, and stabilizes one's sugar, insulin, and triglyceride levels. Sprouted-grained pastas are excellent for people with obesity and diabetes, while brown rice pasta is ideal for those with gluten allergies and irritable bowel syndrome.
Red yeast rice can lower total and LDL cholesterol

Red Yeast Rice For Cholesterol: The Truth Behind The Natural Cure

Red yeast rice is an effective and well-tolerated alternative remedy for high cholesterol, especially for people who cannot tolerate statins. It can decrease your LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol without adversely impacting good HDL cholesterol levels in your body. But since the FDA deems monacolin K, the active ingredient in it, a pharmaceutical drug, red yeast rice sold in the US is mostly devoid of such potent cholesterol-lowering effect.

8 Not-So-Healthy Foods You Should Be Aware Of

Many health foods available in the stores are junk foods in disguise. For example, granola, protein bars, flavored yogurt, and fruit juices may sound healthy but have insane amounts of sugar. Vegetable burgers made from soy protein usually contain the toxic chemical hexane. To find the perfect healthy food, read up on healthy and unhealthy ingredients and take a look at the label before purchasing a product.
quinoa versus rice

Quinoa Vs Rice: 8 Areas Where Quinoa Scores Over Rice

Not only does quinoa have fewer calories and fat than both white rice and brown rice, it also has more protein, fiber, and antioxidants. A complete protein, quinoa keeps you full longer and aids in weight loss. Its protein-carb ratio is ideal for weight watchers and diabetics. Thanks to its higher betaine content, quinoa has a better impact on the liver and the heart. Have quinoa along with fresh produce as part of your balanced diet.

Delicious Broccoli Dishes: Recipes For Good Health

With its addition to the list of superfoods, broccoli has become one of the highly regarded vegetables in the diet scene. This cruciferous vegetable...

12 Starchy Foods You Should Avoid If You’re Counting Your Calories

Carbohydrates are your body's main source of energy and most carbs can be divided into three main categories: sugar, fiber, and starch. Starches are...

5 Healthy Refined Carbs-Less Choices For Pasta Lovers

Whole wheat pasta and whole grain spelt pasta are rich in fiber and protein content as unlike their refined carbs-counterparts, they retain their essential nutrients. Gluten-free quinoa pasta is high in protein and minerals, and stabilizes one's sugar, insulin, and triglyceride levels. Sprouted-grained pastas are excellent for people with obesity and diabetes, while brown rice pasta is ideal for those with gluten allergies and irritable bowel syndrome.

6 Foods That Cause Constipation In Babies

Passing hard and dry bowels can be painful for babies. However, giving them fiber-rich foods and sufficient water can prevent constipation. Foods like rice cereals, potatoes, cow's milk, and carrots are difficult to digest. Even though applesauce and bananas are good for relieving constipation, an excess of it can lead to constipation. Unripe bananas and applesauce contain pectin that draws water from the intestines, making the bowels firmer.
Balance your diet with fats and carbs

This Is Why Carbs Are More Dangerous Than Fats

Carbohydrates and fats both get a bad rap, but the impact of carbs is stronger. A 2017 study found that high-carb diets are linked to a higher mortality rate than high-fat diets. Interestingly, the findings were consistent despite the type of fat. Aim for a moderate intake of both macro-nutrients. When you do eat carbs, eat "good" sources like brown rice, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, and oats.
foods that are high in resistant starch

6 Cooked Foods That Get Starchier On Cooling

Resistant starch is both carbohydrate and fiber. It's present in certain foods like green bananas, potatoes, rice, wheat, and legumes. Studies claim that when foods containing resistant starch are cooled after heating, it increases in concentration. Therefore, it's best to consume this food after cooling them once they are cooked. This is a great way to utilize the health benefits of resistant starch.
Each variant rice differs in color, texture, and carbohydrate content from another.)

The Good And Bad Carbs Found In Different Varieties Of Rice

Different types of rice contain different amounts of carbohydrates. There are also the good and bad types of carbohydrates which most of us are...
Eating certain foods won't satisfy your hunger but make you crave for more food

5 Foods That Will Leave You Unsatisfied And Hungry

Some foods increase hunger instead of satisfying it. Focus on fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Egg whites are rich in protein, but the yolk adds more substance. Instead of juicing, make smoothies with the fiber-rich skin. Diet soda has artificial sweeteners that increase sugar cravings, so drink with caution. White refined grains are also digested quickly and won’t leave you satisfied. So, for a snack, skip salty foods because they increase energy needs.

Healthiest And Unhealthiest Foods From Across The World

Sushi is definitely one of the healthiest foods in Japan while miso soup isn't quite healthy. Similarly, in the US, cornbread is one of the oldest and real foods but the American diet is largely based on refined sugars. The Mediterranean diet is the best diet that effectively lowers high blood cholesterol and blood pressure. In India, almost foods have spices that enhance flavor and make them really nourishing.

5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Arsenic In Rice

Rice is the dietary staple for half of the world’s population. Eating rice is a major cause of exposure to the class one carcinogen inorganic arsenic. Rice has tenfold more arsenic concentration than dietary grain staples. Cook rice in such a manner that arsenic levels are reduced. Avoid rice-based baby food and formula. Use rice milk only when there is no other alternative available.