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Tag: Pregnancy

How Your Breasts Prepare To Produce Milk For Your Baby

Breastmilk forms the first source of nutrition for a newborn. Nature prepares a woman’s body for breastfeeding from the time when she is herself...

9 Good Reasons Why Head-First Births Are Considered Ideal

The optimal position for your baby to be born in is considered to be the head down position. Most babies are born head first...

10 Pregnancy Myths Busted!

Pregnancy is all about the plethora of advice from everywhere – magazines, relatives, friends, and blogs. The pregnancy do’s and don’ts confuse you so...

5 Ways In Which Breathing The Baby Out Makes Birth Easier

There is no dearth in the pieces of advice moms get to hear or read to reduce the intensity of pain during childbirth. However, when...

6 Things To Do With A Bottle Of Lemon Oil

Lemon oil is an aromatic essential oil made from cold-pressing lemon peels and extracting the natural oils within them. Lemon oil is famous for...

10 Unbelievable Things That Follow The Birth Of Your Baby

Pregnancy is full of surprises. More surprising is the fact that you won't receive all the information related to the process of becoming a...

Moms Experiencing Vaginal Heaviness Must Read Through It

The latter part of the third trimester is when the pregnancy bump gets huge. A sure moment that comes to every mom is to decide whether...

5 Things No One Tells You About Cesarean

No matter what type of birth you are planning at, never rule out the possibility of a cesarean. There are different forms of delivery...

Why Blood Donation And Pregnancy Can’t Go Hand In Hand

It may be fascinating to know that your blood increases by almost a whopping 50% during your pregnancy. However, that doesn’t imply that your...

A Pregnant Lady’s Guide To Eating Right When Dining Out

With a plate full of restrictions being served your way during pregnancy, it is difficult satiating your taste buds by simply cooking and eating...

8 Reasons For Bigger Pregnant Belly

Unlike the first pregnancy, everybody would get to know that you are pregnant too soon the second time. Your bold belly growth with the...

Things To Do Differently During Second Pregnancy

Having a baby, especially if it's your first, is a momentous occasion. Everything we do for the baby should be the best. But when...

Annoying Changes That Happen In Your Body After Giving Birth

There are several physical and emotional changes that mothers experience after childbirth. The first few weeks after the baby has arrived could certainly be...

Father Realizes How Strong His Wife Is On Seeing Her Delivery

The world knows how much a female body endures while giving birth, be it the excruciating vaginal birth or the grueling surgery of a...

7 Things You Won’t Have Imagined Your Baby Does In Womb

While you are carrying out your daily tasks—going to work, washing the dishes, or probably, watching Netflix with your partner, you wonder what your...