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6 Reasons Why The Last Week Of Pregnancy Is Actually The Hardest

The final countdown to your due date – you may expect it to be the most exciting and easy part of pregnancy. Well, it...
Many perfumes have hidden chemicals in them

Harmful Chemicals That Lurk In Your Perfumes

When mom's birthday or a special anniversary is around the corner and buying a gift is on the agenda, chances are that an expensive perfume...

9 Causes Of Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Having to deal with bleeding once a month is, in itself, quite frustrating for most women. Which is why it's completely natural to be...

12 Home Remedies To Beat Morning Sickness

If morning sickness hits you, have dry toast or crackers. Eat smaller meals frequently, sip small amounts of water through the day, and steer clear of greasy or spicy foods. Eating your meals cold, having vitamin B6, drinking ginger tea, and smelling lemons can ease the sickness pang. So can yoga moves like balasana and applying pressure three finger breadths beneath your inner wrist.

Undisturbed Labor – What Is It And Why Aim For One?

Have you ever imagined labor as an ecstatic, pleasant experience? You may not have. You are not alone. It is always pictured as the...

Can The Use Of IUDs Lower Your Risk Of Cervical Cancer?

An Intrauterine Device (IUD) is a tiny device a woman can put into her uterus to prevent a pregnancy. It is usually a small piece of...

Know These Exercise Tips For Pregnancy

Exercise has a crucial role to play to keep you fit and fine during pregnancy. It helps you reduce discomforts associated with pregnancy such as...

You Need To Sleep More If You Are In These Situations

Sleep allows our bodies to rest and our brains to recharge. The many benefits of sleep including memory consolidation and muscle repair. Depriving yourself of sleep continuously can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure and obesity. All adults need about eight hours of sleep, but if you are under a lot of stress, or pregnant, unwell, exercising a lot, or work in shift timings, then getting enough sleep is particularly important.

Study: Taking Folic Acid In Late Pregnancy May Increase Childhood Allergy Risk

Every pregnant woman knows the significance of folic acid during pregnancy. It is often recommended that women should take folic acid every day starting...
Breastfeeding is healthy and natural

The Struggles Of Breastfeeding A Newborn And What You Can Do About Them

When you are pregnant, you may feel that it is one of the most beautiful and one of the most challenging phases of your...

5 Exercises To Relieve Aches And Pains During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is exciting, but housing a growing baby can bring on lots of aches and pains, so consider gentle exercises. Do a widened child’s pose to loosen the spine and stretch the groin. A twisted wide squat will relax the spine and hips, but don’t twist your belly. Side-lying clamshells and bench hip thrusts are great for strengthening the core, pelvic muscles, and glutes. To improve muscular strength in the legs, do body weight squats.

Postpartum Bleeding: What To Expect After Giving Birth

It's natural for most women to bleed for 4–6 weeks after delivery. This postpartum bleeding is known as lochia. It's normal to bleed heavily and pass grape-sized clots for the first 4 days. Over the next few weeks, usually, the blood turns brownish-pink and finally white and no clots are passed. But it's not normal to bleed unusually heavily (soaking a maxi-pad in an hour) or pass multiple golf ball-sized clots at any point in the bleeding period – not even the first 4 days.

Baby Born From Embryo Frozen 25 Years Ago

Yes, you read it right! A baby has been born from an embryo frozen for nearly 25 years. It is the longest known frozen...

8 Things That Have An Influence On Our Brains

The brain might be responsible for our physical and psychological health, but research states that certain factors in life influence certain parts of the brain. Sports improve information processing, concentration, and memory. Attentive reading and painting improve cognition. Excessive sugar consumption causes cognitive decline and depression. Falling in love improves social cognition. Pregnancy shrinks grey matter, which develops maternal instincts. Stress and dehydration impair memory.

What Does A Cottage-Cheese-Like Discharge From The Vagina Mean?

If you’re a woman, then you know that your vagina is going to secrete all sorts of discharge. Discharge can be regulated by the...