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7 Ways To Reduce Bloating When You Are On Your Period

Period bloating can be extremely uncomfortable. However, you are not alone as about 70% of women experience similar bloating. To reduce bloating, prevent water retention as it can make you feel worse. Ensure that you do some light exercises to reduce your stress levels as it can affect your digestion and in turn lead to bloating. Prevent gas buildup with the right kind of diet.

7 Interesting Facts About Poop You Must Know

Ever wondered why your poop sinks or floats? Do you feel that you more poop more on your period but don't know why? Did you know that poop is transplanted from donors to patients? There are several insights about this smelly but important excretion from your body you may want to take a look. Knowing about your poop will help keep your health in check.

What Different Types Of Farts Can Indicate

Flatulence is one of the most common and normal bodily functions, but it is often considered disgusting and, if you happen to fart in...
why do beans give you gas

Why Do Beans Give You Gas? The Connection Between Beans And Flatulence

Complex sugars called oligosaccharides found in beans are indigestible. When they reach our intestine unabsorbed, healthy bacteria in the small intestine metabolize these starches. Carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane gases are released as byproducts causing symptoms like gas, bloating, and nausea. Given the nutritional benefits of beans, explore appropriate cooking methods instead of avoiding beans altogether.

All You Need To Know About Farts That Stink and Burn

Eating sulfur-rich foods like meat and cruciferous vegetables results in the release of sulfur compounds and hence smelly farts. Smelly farts accompanied by other symptoms may indicate severe constipation, a gluten allergy, lactose intolerance, or colon cancer. On the other hand, eating spicy foods excessively causes indigestion and irritated anal skin, which leads to burning farts. Avoiding fiber-rich, fried, and processed foods can prevent both types of farts.

All About Nasty Gas Pains, Their Causes, And Relief

Gas pains in the abdomen arise as a result of trapped gases in the intestines. Eating or drinking too quickly can lead to bloating and gas pains. The best way to avoid it is by eating slowly. Engaging in physical activity after eating can also relieve excess intestinal gas. If gas doesn't get relieved by belching or farting, you should seek expert medical help to rule out any other digestive disorders.

7 Stomach Issues During Exercise And How To Fix Them

Occasionally, during our workout, we experience some stomach-related problems that interfere with our exercise regime, hidering our fitness goals. Commonly, people may experience bloating, abdominal cramps, nausea, indigestion, heartburn or acid reflux, and gas formation. Eating a light, balanced meal can fix this. Also, don't excercise after a heavy meal.

Things You Wish Somebody Had Told You About Cesarean

Whether you want a natural birth or a Cesarean, you need to be prepared in the first place. There are many things pregnant women...

Why We Burp And Tips To Help Reduce Burping

Burping or belching is the act of expelling the gas in our stomachs through our mouths. This is a perfectly normal body response and...

6 Reasons Why You Experience Digestive Gas And Bloating

Gas and bloating are the signs of a healthy, working digestive system, but some foods and habits can increase the frequency. Certain foods like potatoes, brussel sprouts, beans, and broccoli can cause gas. Cooking method, low water intake, food allergies like lactose intolerance and celiac disease, can affect the digestive system and cause indigestion. There are ways to combat gas with natural foods like papaya, peppermint, and fennel.

6 Causes Of Flatulence : Frequent Passing Of Gas

If you pass gas over 20 times a day, you could be affected by flatulence or excessive air buildup within your body. One of the reasons for excessive gas is eating fibrous foods, aerated beverages, and fruits high in fructose. Swallowing too much air is another cause. You could also feel bloated and gassy if you suffer from conditions like the IBS or GERD. Sometimes, gas can also be the side-effect of certain medication.
What Stomach Problems Mean And When To See A Doctor

What Stomach Problems Mean And When To See A Doctor

Stomach problems such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating and gas are something that affects everybody at some point in our lives. Although generally stomach-related problems are caused because of unhygienic foods or spicy foods, sometimes they may occur because of other underlying health conditions. It is important that we ascertain the actual cause by consulting a doctor as early as possible, which helps in effectively treating the problem.
How to reduce gas and chest pain?

Chest Pain Due To Gas? Here’s How To Get Rid Of It

Excess gas often causes stomach pain but if it moves upward, the chest may hurt. Common reasons for gas include swallowing air while chewing gum, smoking, wearing loose-fitting dentures, or eating too fast. Carbonated drinks and fiber may also spark gas. Can’t digest lactose, fructose, or gluten? Excess gas is a possibility. To get rid of it, eat slowly and avoid foods that make you uncomfortable. Ginger, papaya enzyme, and activated charcoal are natural and effective remedies.

12 Proven Natural Remedies You Can Swear By

If you’re somebody who doesn’t reach out for a pill to pop every time a minor ailment presents itself and believe in trying out...
Ginger is one of the healthiest spices because of its medicinal properties.

10 Ways How Ginger Treats Almost Any Illness

Ginger has this fresh, delicious flavor that can rejuvenate a person immediately with a calming effect. Ginger is considered one of the healthiest spices in...