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Tag: Digestive Health

6 Reasons Why You Should Stop Eating Meat

Eliminating meat from your diet can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and can lower your cholesterol levels, keeping the heart healthy. Consuming too much meat can alter the gut bacteria. It may also lead to diverticulitis. Therefore, switching to vegetables can promote a healthy gut. Switching to vegetables means that your body gets a healthier source of protein and also reduces body inflammation. It may also reduce the risk of cancer.

13 Home Remedies For Relieving Heartburn Fast

Heartburn is a common symptom created by acid reflux, a condition where some of the stomach contents (including stomach acid) are forced back up...
Both white rice and brown rice can be good for you based on your body constitution, Agni, and dosha

Ayurveda On White Rice Vs Brown Rice

Rice is good for everyone – all year round! This means, despite your metabolic constitution or dosha, rice is a healing food. In Western nutrition, we...
Why Blueberries Are The Most Nutritious Of All Berries

Why Blueberries Are The Most Nutritious Of All Berries

Wondering what makes blueberries the most nutritious berries? They are rich in antioxidants that make them beneficial for reducing the signs of aging, improving heart and brain health, and possibly reducing the chances of cancer and type 2 diabetes. What's more is that their high fiber content makes them a great digestive aid.
3 Health Benefits And Possible Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice

3 Health Benefits And Possible Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice can help the digestive system and can reduce stomach issues like flatulence, bloating, and constipation. Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties and may protect the immune system against disease-carrying pathogens. Some evidence suggests that the juice can also lower blood sugar levels and may be effective in the treatment of diabetes. Side effects of aloe juice include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, red urine, hepatitis, and electrolyte imbalance.

7 Reasons Why White Kidney Beans Are Good For You

White kidney beans are rich in fibers, soluble and insoluble, that help in efficient bile removal and improved bowel movement. They contain an enzyme inhibitor that slows down the digestion of carbohydrates. This helps in stabilizing blood sugar and even weight loss. Their rich reserve of antioxidants help protect against a number of diseases, including cancer. An added perk is improved cognition.
7 Health Benefits Of Sirsasana Or Headstand Pose

7 Health Benefits Of Sirsasana Or Headstand Pose

Sirsasana or the headstand pose increases blood circulation to the brain, improving concentration and memory. It also teaches the individual the art of balancing and improves balancing skills. This pose strengthens the core and shoulder and arm muscles. It improves digestion and helps remove the toxins and other waste materials from the body. It relieves stress and also reduces fluid retention or edema.
Probiotics can have some side effects

5 Side Effects Of Probiotics You Need To Know About

Probiotics are “friendly bacteria” that are taken for gut health. However, like all supplements, they have potential side effects. In some people, probiotics promote diarrhea and digestive problems. The risk increases with dead bacteria, which is common in commercial dairy foods. Probiotics can also give and take antibiotic-resistant genes, giving future bacteria protection from drugs. In people with weak immune systems, probiotics increase the risk of endocarditis and sepsis. They also increase the chances of death in patients with acute pancreatitis.

6 Reasons Why You Should Add Bananas To Your Oatmeal

Bananas are one of the most easily available and nutritious foods. Many of us have underestimated the health benefits of a banana. From reducing the risk of cardiac disease to improving digestion, having a banana a day is essential for your overall health. The best way to have it though is in combination with a nutritious grain like oatmeal.

Chasteberry: 12 Possible Side Effects Of This Women’s Herb

Chasteberry may cause skin rashes, acne, mild insomnia, and headaches. Those with hormone-sensitive conditions like breast cancer, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers should avoid this berry as it affects the hormones and uterus. It may interfere with antipsychotic drugs, Parkinson's disease medications, and may decrease the efficacy of birth control pills. It may also cause weight gain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and irregular menstrual flow.

5 Signs Your Appendix Is About To Burst

If appendicitis isn’t treated, your appendix might burst. Take note if you have sharp pain around your belly button that moves to the lower right side. This is the most common symptom, so don’t ignore it! The pain might be so bad that it causes nausea and vomiting. You may also have a low-grade fever and diarrhea. If you have these symptoms, you’ll need emergency surgery. The surgeon will remove your appendix before it bursts.

7 Side Effects Of Drinking Carbonated Water

Carbonated water causes burping, bloating, and gas. In the mouth, it’ll destroy dental enamel and increase your risk for cavities. If you have a mouth sore, carbonated water slows down the healing. Additional side effects include fast heart rate, hunger, and acid reflux. It might even contribute to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Despite these side effects, carbonated water is great for treating an upset stomach.
Benefits Of Turmeric And Black Pepper Supplements

The Benefits Of Turmeric And Black Pepper Supplements

Turmeric and black pepper are more than just flavorings, they also have potent health benefits. These spices were long used in traditional Indian and...

Lyme Disease And Its Natural Treatments

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is mainly transmitted by ticks and other insects. The major cause of the disease is usually the...
Benefits Of Using Tongue Scrapers To Maintain Proper Hygiene

5 Reasons You Should Be Using A Tongue Scraper

While caring for your teeth is an important part of oral hygiene, remember to also care for your tongue by using a tongue scraper. The regular use of a tongue scraper prevents the growth of harmful bacteria on your tongue. This keeps your teeth and gums healthy, eliminates bad breath, makes eating enjoyable, and improves digestion.