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10 Telltale Signs There’s Cancer Growing In Your Body

Cancer is one dreaded illness that is everyone’s worst nightmare. And early detection is extremely vital for successful treatment of most cancers. Let us...
Natural colon cleansers include fennel tea and prune juice.

9 Tips For A Natural Colon Cleanse From The Inside Out

While colon cleansing is an ancient detox practice, take care not to go overboard. Choose milder remedies like prune juice, senna tea, fennel tea. Stay hydrated and have a diet rich in fiber and probiotics. Basti/ayurvedic enema can be explored under a professional, but be wary of home enemas or colonic irrigation kits.

What You Need To Know About Resistant Starch And Its Health Benefits

“All disease begins in the gut.” This quote by the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, still rings true. Always remember that your gut is what determines...

8 Things That Could Give You Diarrhea After A Meal

If you thought diarrhea is a condition that plagues most people in their childhood, you’re highly mistaken. Even when you’re well into your adult...

6 Digestive Problems That Could Be Making You Gain Weight

Sometimes, even if your diet is regular and so is your exercise routine, you would still put on weight for unknown reasons. Ulcers, acid reflux disease, food intolerance, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and bacterial overgrowth are some digestive issues that could lead to weight gain or even a heavy, uncomfortable feeling. The symptoms can also be painful, and if left untreated could become quite serious.
Distal Ulcerative Colitis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Distal Ulcerative Colitis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory condition of the colon or parts of the colon. In left-sided ulcerative colitis, as the name suggests, the inflammation...
crohn's disease natural treatment

Natural Treatments For Crohn’s Disease: 10 Ways To Tackle This Inflammatory Bowel Disorder

Drinking anti-inflammatory lemongrass tea, turmeric tea, or marshmallow tea can help tackle this inflammatory bowel disease. So can having fish oil, psyllium and probiotics, pineapples, and extracts of the gum resin of boswellia. Avoid carbonated drinks, gassy vegetables, and high fiber foods to ease symptoms. You can also explore acupuncture and homeopathic remedies such as podophyllum, mercurius, and veratrum album.

All About Diverticulitis (Inflamed Pouches In The Colon)

Diverticulitis is a painful condition in which tiny bulging pouches, diverticula, form in the walls of your colon. The formation of these pouches is...

9 Signs That Show Your Nutrition Plan Is Working

A good nutrition plan is one of the best ways to successfully reach your weight goals. But, how do you know if the diet is working for you? Since weight gain/loss happens only over a period of time, checking your weight regularly might not tell you much. Instead, look at other factors that indicate your diet is working, such as your mood, sleep quality, energy levels, bowel movements, and more.

Foods To Avoid To Ease IBS Symptoms And Their Substitutes

IBS symptoms can be controlled with your diet. High-lactose dairy products like milk and yogurt can be replaced with almond milk and lactose-free yogurt. High-fructose and fructan foods cannot be digested by the body easily. Therefore, limit their portions and replace them with healthy substitutes. Avoid sugar alcohols, especially in processed foods.

4 Facts About How Your Body Regenerates And Fixes Itself

Your body has an ability to regenerate and fix itself. Every year, about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced. Every few days, the cells lining your stomach and small intestine and renewed. Another interesting fact is that after a partial hepatectomy, your liver can grow back the lost liver tissue in less than a week! Also, when you're out of energy, your body will break down the least important body parts to generate the required energy.

Common Digestive Problems And Ways To Treat Them

Digestive problems can affect the quality of your lifestyle and reduce the nutrient intake. Peptic ulcers, celiac disease, diverticulitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and constipation are common problems that affect the digestive system. While prescription drugs are usually used to treat them, drinking enough water, high-fiber intake, and exercising every day can prevent and treat them. Ensure that you seek medical help at the earliest when you notice symptoms like gas, bloating, acid reflux, and stomach pain.

7 Poop Facts Every Woman Should Know

Pooping habits can be different for each person, but there are certain facts you must know about pooping. If you are worried about your...

2 Easy And Effective Methods To Cleanse Your Colon

Colon cleansing is a good practice that helps remove old fecal matter and harmful bacteria from your gut. A healthy digestive system is absolutely vital for overall health and in preventing many diseases. During juice fasting, where only fluids are consumed, you can prepare juices made from apples, lemons, ginger, psyllium husk and other ingredients. Colon cleansing helps maintain the balance of beneficial gut bacteria.

Here’s What A Rash On Your Genitals Could Mean

A rash on any part of your body is bad, but one over your genitals is the worst. A genital rash is any patch...