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4 Different Swimming Strokes And Their Benefits

For a high-calorie burn that also tones your core and upper body, try the butterfly stroke. If you’re looking for a full body workout, the crawl or freestyle may be a good place to start. The breaststroke is another popular swimming stroke that is more accessible than the butterfly stroke, easier on the shoulders, back, and neck, making it a comfortable option for many. The backstroke is the ideal way to improve your posture so your spine is lengthened well. And if you’d like to get the best of them all, include a mix of all the different swimming strokes in your weekly routine!
Natural remedies for runner's knee includes rest, ice packs, and proper exercise.

6 Natural Remedies For Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)

Runner's knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome is a condition that causes pain under your kneecaps. Resting your knees by avoiding activities such as squatting or kneeling can help you ease the pain. You can also apply ice or drink ginger tea for pain relief. Physical therapy, the use of knee braces, and using supportive shoe inserts (orthosis) may also help.
Exercising and eating right can help you maintain the ideal weight

15 Ways To Maintain Your Weight After Dieting

You've finally reached your weight-loss goal and the feeling is absolutely heavenly! But, tough as it was, this was just the beginning. A much...

7 Common Drinks That Are As Unhealthy As Soda

Soda is one of the worst things for your health. And if you've decided to swap your soda needs with an energy drink or fruit...
9 Seemingly Healthy Supermarket Foods To Stay Away From

9 Seemingly Healthy Supermarket Foods To Stay Away From

With so many clever marketers around, it's hard to tell the good food products from the “fake” or unhealthy ones. Be warned, most of...

First Day Home Alone With The Baby? 6 Things You Need To Do

Home alone with your baby? For first-timers, it might be really difficult. In the first few days or weeks, your husband and other family...

Importance Of Digestion And Tips To Improve It

Digestion is the only process that ensures the body gets the nutrients required for development. Factors like the amount and type of food, age, and digestive issues affect the rate of digestion. Efficient digestion of foods and their excretion is the key to a healthy life. A well-balanced diet, regular exercise, good sleep, and reduced stress levels can strengthen your digestive system.

6 Quick Tips To Revitalize Yourself After A Late, Late Night

Drinking some water first thing in the morning can make you feel awake instantly as can allowing sunlight to flood your room. Drinking a cup of tea can not only keep anxiety at bay but can also boost feelings of positivity. Engaging your body in some form of light exercise, eating a healthy, balanced breakfast, and taking a cold shower are other things that can also give you a much-needed energy boost.

8 Foods That Contain An Alarming Amount Of Sugar

If you consume excess added sugar, you might face an increased risk of heart disease and obesity. Some foods that contain excess sugar are cereal, dried fruit, pancakes, granola bars, fruit juices, and flavored yogurt. To reduce your sugar intake, try preparing these foods at home using less sugar. Also, read the labels before buying and go for the ones that are sugar-free or low-sugar.

5 Myths About Swimming While On Your Period Debunked

If swimming is an activity that you love to do, then why let your period stop you? It turns out a large number of...

7 Common Fitness Mistakes You Should Not Be Making

Working out like you should but not seeing any results? You might be making some common mistakes that can easily be avoided. While it's crucial to focus on working out regularly, it's just as vital to eat and sleep right. Also, remember to mix things up with your fitness routine and avoid spending too much or too little time on cardio to get the most out of your workout.

3 Reasons Why Moping Can Make Anxiety More Difficult To Manage

Anxiety can be a hard beast to tackle. One small step can make or break the framework of our sanity when we are fragile....

5 Ways To Stay Active Even If You Have A Desk Job

If you have a desk job, you may be spending a majority of your time sitting. Staying active at work can not only help you manage your stress levels but also reduce the risk of heart disease and obesity. Exercise or stand at your desk, walk or cycle to your office, and take breaks frequently to prevent back pain and stay healthy. Sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair can strengthen your core and improve circulation in your body.

8 Things That Have An Influence On Our Brains

The brain might be responsible for our physical and psychological health, but research states that certain factors in life influence certain parts of the brain. Sports improve information processing, concentration, and memory. Attentive reading and painting improve cognition. Excessive sugar consumption causes cognitive decline and depression. Falling in love improves social cognition. Pregnancy shrinks grey matter, which develops maternal instincts. Stress and dehydration impair memory.

6 Simple Ways To Nourish And Strengthen Your Heart

A few lifestyle changes can help strengthen and nourish your heart. Increase your fiber intake to lower the risk of coronary heart disease. Meditate regularly and join a dance class to lower high blood pressure and plaque buildup in arteries triggered by stress. Eat nuts for sterols, stanols, and omega 3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disorders. Sip on green tea to prevent hypertension. Eat tomatoes to lower cholesterol levels.