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Ovarian Cysts And Cancer: Early Signs And Natural Remedies

Ovarian cysts and cancer are often difficult to diagnose until it's too late. In fact, that's why Ovarian cancer has earned the Silent Killer...

Is Eating Burned Food Bad For You?

Grilling releases chemicals that can damage your DNA. Meats, tofu, cottage cheese, and starchy foods release carcinogenic chemicals when charred or burnt. At high temperatures, amino acids are broken into DNA modifying compounds. Still craving barbeques? Have them. But use a medium flame, don't cook directly on charcoal, and flip the food often so it does not burn.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Magnolia Herb?

Magnolia bark helps regulate nervous stimulation of the digestive tract, kill oral bacteria that cause bad breath and cavities, and reduces stress. Magnolia supplements suppress appetite, curbing untimely food cravings. Honokiol, a magnolia derivative, is anti-carcenogenic. Also, Magnolia can be used to treat Alzheimer’s by spiking acetylcholine levels in the brain.

What Helps Prevent Cancer – Superfoods Or Lifestyle Changes?

Just relying on superfoods and supplements will not prevent cancer. Instead, stay lean without becoming underweight. Include minimum 30 mins physical activity daily. Include veggies, fruits, whole grains, and pulses in your staple diet. Avoid alcohol, sugary drinks, red meat, processed foods, and tobacco products. Smile and be stress-free. Avoid extended sun exposure.
Causes Of Death In The United States

5 Leading Causes Of Death In The United States [Infographic]

Many Americans die each year due to preventable chronic diseases. Studies have shown that investments in community-based prevention programs not only help to improve...

Can Vitamin D Keep Prostate Cancer At Bay?

Vitamin D binds to the prostate tissue and controls cell division. It also reduces the levels of cell lipids and proteins responsible for inflammation. Men with healthy levels of vitamin D tend to have less aggressive prostate cancers and lower rates of death from cancer. Vitamin D also slows down and reverses the progression of less aggressive prostate tumors, reducing the need for surgery or radiation.

Where Does Back Pain Come From?

Micro-traumatic events can accumulate and become painful when a certain threshold is exceeded. Sometimes, an irritation in a joint or soft tissue, not necessarily located in the area of the perceived pain, is another cause. Also inflammation in internal organs can manifest in severe back pain. It is rare, but cancer in the spine can be mistaken with mechanical back pain.

Is Graviola Nature’s Answer to Cancer?

Graviola (Soursop),a tropical rainforest fruit, is purported to cure cancers of the ovary, breast, lung, prostate, pancreas and liver. Several studies have reported that it kills malignant cells (even proving effective in fighting cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy), while leaving the healthy cells alone. Excessive consumption can cause nausea, reduce blood pressure and lower your gut bacteria count.

Tips For Recovery After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Pelvic floor muscle training hastens the recovery of urinary control and erectile function. To avoid potential side effects of radical prostatectomy, commit to a program of Kegel pelvic floor exercises both before and after the prostate surgery. Pelvic floor muscle training program must be designed around muscle education, biofeedback, progressive intensity and resistance.

Facts About Prostate Cancer You Might Not Know

Prostate cancer is quite common (affects 16% men) but mostly benign (only 3% die of it). Lower urinary tract disorders can indicate prostate problems. Exercise your pelvic floor muscles, eat vegetables rich in lutein (broccoli), beta-carotene (spinach), and lycopene (tomatoes), and cut down on animal fat and processed foods to improve prostate health and reduce cancer risk.

Lies Women Are Told About Breast Cancer

There is inconclusive scientific data to prove that your risk of contracting breast cancer is lower if you do not have a family history. Cosmetic breast surgeries or wearing antiperspirants do not increase your breast cancer risk. Having smaller breasts or undergoing a double mastectomy does not reduce your risk. Lumps are not the only indicator of breast cancer.

11 Bra Myths You’ve Probably Believed Your Entire Life

Girls, we all know that with great bras comes great responsibility! You know, finding the right bra, washing that bra, wearing that bra during...
Can Frankincense Help In Preventing or Curing Cancer?

Can Frankincense Help Prevent or Cure Cancer?

Frankincense, commonly used in traditional medicine, has been found to be effective in treating cancers of the brain, breast, colon, pancreas and stomach. It closes down the nucleus of a cancerous cell, preventing it from reproducing. Frankincense can be consumed orally, intravenously, and/or applied topically - and as a supplement to chemotherapy.

Can Cruciferous Vegetables Help You Fight Cancer?

Cruciferous veggies contain several carotenoids that can prevent some forms of cancer. They also contain glucosinolates, that break down during digestion into biologically active compounds. These enhance elimination of carcinogens before they can damage DNA, or by altering cell-signaling pathways that prevent normal cells from being converted into cancer cells.

16 Cancer Causing Foods You Are Eating Every Day!

It’s probably not something you think about every day, but the foods you are eating might cause cancer! Yes, you read that right! Cancer is one...