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Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) has some risks but might be safer than multiple C-sections.

Risks Of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC): 6 Factors To Consider

If you’re due to deliver soon and have had a C-section before, some comforting statistics should make you feel better about a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). While risks of uterine rupture exist, the odds aren’t worse than when having multiple C-sections. What’s best depends on your health, age, and pregnancy complications if any.

The Story Of Cesarean Section: From Inception To Transformation

Cesarean section or c-sections is a widely-known surgical type of birth method. During the procedure, an incision is made in the mother's abdomen and...

Things You Wish Somebody Had Told You About Cesarean

Whether you want a natural birth or a Cesarean, you need to be prepared in the first place. There are many things pregnant women...

All You Need To Know About The Breech Position

With your little one’s head moving closer to the birth canal, your baby takes the delivery position few weeks prior to birth. When your...

Can You Have A Vaginal Birth After You’ve Had A C-Section?

If you meet the guidelines issued by the ACOG, you are an appropriate candidate for vaginal birth after a C-section. However, the risks of opting for a vaginal birth after a C-section include the rupture of the uterine scar or the uterine itself. The benefits include a shorter recovery period, fewer infections, less blood loss, and less neonatal breathing issues. Weigh the pros and cons and make your decision only after consulting with your gynecologist.

7 Things Everyone Thinks That Happen During A C-Section, But Don’t

There is no dearth of misinformation about c-sections. Even though rates of c-sections are on the rise in the United States, many people still...

Everything You Want To Know About A C-Section Scar

Whenever anyone talks about a c-section, many concerns come to an expectant mom’s mind. Among many other things, every pregnant woman worries about the incision...

Go Easy On Your Body After C-Section With 7 Simple Exercises

Before you begin with exercising, you must remember that recovering should be your first priority. A c-section is a surgery—your body has undergone a...

Does A C-Section Affect Breastfeeding? 5 Facts You Should Know

The impact of c-sections on breastfeeding is a highly debated topic. As pregnancy experts are on a rise, there are more half-truths doing the...

Everything You Must Know About Recovering From A C-Section

A cesarean is a surgical delivery of a baby done by making an incision in the mother's abdomen and the uterus. The risk and...

8 Annoying Things Moms Have To Deal With After A C-Section

A C-section birth is more than going through the process of receiving an anesthesia, incision, stitches, and recovery from the surgery. What follows after...
side effects and risks of c-sections

Side Effects And Risks Of C-Sections: 10 Things No One Tells You

If you're considering C-section, know that it is major surgery, with greater maternal mortality risk than vaginal births and the possibility of complications in future pregnancies. It even impacts your baby’s ability to breathe just after birth. If you are slated for doctor-recommended C-sections for health reasons, rest assured the choice is the right one. This is because medical condition like diabetes or complications with the placenta or the position of the baby might make a vaginal birth much riskier.

8 Reasons The Baby Won’t Come Out Naturally

A vaginal birth is what you wanted. But, your baby was not ready to come out the way you planned. Well, you are not...

9 Things Every Mom Thinks When In Labor

You might have attended the childbirth classes to know what to expect and how the labor would progress, but many a time, especially for...

5 Important Facts To Know About Breastfeeding After C-Section

After the c-section, you are under the effect of general or regional anesthesia (epidural) for a long time. Moms might wonder whether having a...