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6 Ways To Beat Stress And Anxiety Now

Take control of your situation instead of victimizing yourself. Focus on your breaths and reconnect with your spirit. Inhale the aroma of essential oils to give your mind the calm it craves. Sleep to clear your head and improve your productivity. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and junk food. They aggravate your nerves, making you stress more. Release negativity by escaping into nature.

Homemade Fenugreek And Olive Oil Pack To Stop Hair Fall

Fenugreek seeds contain lecithin, nicotinic acid, and amino acids that build hair follicles, strengthening your hair root to tip and imparting a natural shine. Antioxidant-rich olive oil conditions your hair and repairs chemical damage. Mix 2 tbsp of dried, finely ground fenugreek seeds and 1 tbsp of olive oil. Apply this on your hair and scalp. Rinse off with warm water after 10 min.

7 Ways A Brain Injury Can Affect Your GI Tract

Disruptions in intestinal-cerebral communication following a brain injury can snowball into GI tract dysfunctions such as irritable bowel syndrome, enhanced permeability or depletion of the gut lining, and abdominal pain. Systemic malfunctions include autonomic dysregulation, extreme immune responses, and collapse of the blood-brain barrier. Strengthen your gut by ingesting probiotics.

4 Ayurvedic Herbs That Help Boost Your Brain Power

Balance the mental states of your brain, rajas and tamas, by consuming brain nurturing herbs in powder form or with milk. Shankpushpi improves intellect and cures insomnia, anxiety, and loss of memory. Brahmi relieves stress by pacifying the pitta dosha (fire). Jatamansi targets the nervous system and can treat epislepy, hysteria, etc. Shatavari improves eyesight, induces sleep, and fights fatigue.

What Is The Difference Between Anxiety And Depression?

Anxiety disorders amplify fear, manifesting as precarious restlessness for no obvious reason. Depression amplifies sadness and involves feelings of ineptitude or hopelessness in life. Unlike depression, anxiety disorders cause interrupted or restless sleep. Depression causes people to oversleep or wake up early. Both can be treated with medication, psychotherapy, or Ayurvedic dietary remedies.

How Would You Know If You Have Parkinson’s Disease?

Even before motor symptoms occur, clinical depression and anxiety may set in. Forgetfulness, slurring, difficulty swallowing, sleep disorders, and dizziness are common. Patients experience tremors starting in the thumb and index finger, foot or jaw. Limb motility and facial expressions are compromised, muscles are constricted, and posture balance and coordination becomes a challenge.

What Are The Side Effects Of Antidepressants?

Antidepressants regulate neurotransmitters that determine your mood. TCAs may cause weight gain, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. SSRIs may trigger hormonal fluctuations, sexual dysfunction, suicidal thoughts, etc. MAOIs may cause edema, tremors, hyper or hypotension. Individuals with liver, nerve, or heart conditions must be cautious when taking antidepressants.

Workplace Stress – Inevitable Or Avoidable?

Global competition and technological growth insensitively justify the unfair expectations employers have from employees. Office-goers are forced to work past office hours and cut back on their leisure time. The associated stress snowballs into absenteeism and slackened productivity. Businesses must take steps, like introducing meditation, to improve individual and company well-being.
Yoga Asanas To Cure Depression, Stress, And Anxiety

Yoga Asanas For The Depressed, Stressed, And Anxious Souls

Yoga is an excellent adjunct therapy that calms and rejuvenates your mind when dealing with depression, stress, and anxiety. If practiced daily, yoga can help...

5 Ways To De-Stress And Kick-Start Your Morning

A positive start to your day can propel you through your daily humdrum. Begin with a prayer, thanking your Creator for all that you have. It will help calm you. Hold a few stretches and take some deep breaths to warm your body up and get your blood pumping. Subsequently, drink an 8 oz glass of lemon or mint water to rejuvenate. Logically prioritize your top 5 tasks for the day.

Importance Of Restful Sleep For Optimal Health In Children

Sleep deprivation causes insomnia, unhealthy food cravings, crankiness, etc. Stress-induced nightmares, unconscious sleep walks, breathlessness, and inexplicable daytime sleepiness are common sleep problems. Ensure your children receive adequate sunshine, eat healthy, nap and exercise during the day, follow a fixed sleep schedule, and supplement with natural sleep inducers like Chamomile tea.

Exercise And Yoga For Enhanced Brain Health

Hitting the gym or practicing yoga not only helps you chase your fitness goals, but gives you an additional brain-boost, too! In addition to scaling...

Super-Healthy Foods And Herbs To Increase Your Brain Power!

We live in a society that demands our brain to work at a 100 percent. We constantly juggle facts, inputs, information, tasks, responsibilities, and process...

Ways To Reverse The Impact Of Stress On Premature Aging

Telomeres (protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes that indicate biological age) can be replenished by an enzyme called telomerase. The body’s supply of telomerase is decreased by exposure to chronic stress and cortisol. Any aerobic exercise or meditation helps reduce stress by creating new connections in the brain. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet and get adequate sleep.

Is Coffee Consumption Good Or Bad For Health?

Drinking coffee can reduce risk of cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. But the caffeine in coffee can cause dependency and addiction. If you are suffering from anxiety, caffeine can exacerbate stress, increase cortisol levels and disrupt sleep. Avoid during late afternoon and evening. Replace coffee with healthy options like turmeric milk, matcha green tea latte and lemon juice in warm water.