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What Causes A Magnesium Depletion In The Body?

Medically known as hypomagnesemia, a magnesium deficiency is not very common. But inadequate levels of this electrolyte is common among people. In fact, about...
Treatment for bacteria in blood.

Tips For Tackling Bacteremia Or Bacteria In Your Blood

The presence of bacteria in your bloodstream is called bacteremia. And this condition has to be treated with antibiotics. As a supplemental measure, you can have garlic, honey, turmeric or mung beans to bolster your defenses. Getting enough rest and fluids and sponging down with tepid water can help with the fever.
Ways to increase blood in body.

8 Things You Can Do To Increase Blood In Your Body

To boost hemoglobin levels and ensure that your body has enough nutrients to make blood, eat iron-rich foods like red meat, chicken, and fish; vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli, spinach, and citrus fruits; folate-rich leafy greens, beans, eggs, and liver; copper-rich oysters, potatoes, and beans. Pomegranates, black sesame seeds, black grapes as well as herbs like nettle and Dong quai also help.

Try This Homemade Syrup To Increase Your Red Blood Cell Count

Anemia caused by iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. Some of the telltale signs of anemia are feeling tired...

How A Little Bit Of Sunlight Can Keep You Happy And Healthy

Exposure to sunlight doesn't just keep you warm but also fit, both mentally and physically. With the right amount of exposure at the right time of the day, sunshine can protect your body from various illnesses, build your immunity, and make you sleep like a baby at the end of the day. Depending on your complexion and the atmosphere of your city, get some sun and stay cheerful.

5 Myths About Swimming While On Your Period Debunked

If swimming is an activity that you love to do, then why let your period stop you? It turns out a large number of...

How To Improve Your Hemoglobin Levels Naturally

To raise hemoglobin levels, increase intake of iron-rich foods like greens, seafood, and meat; vitamin C foods like citrus fruit to aid iron absorption; and vitamin B6 foods like tuna, salmon, and chickpeas to avoid deficiency-related anemia. Improve hemoglobin count with Indian gooseberry or wheatgrass and ayurvedic formulations dhatri avaleha and kasisa bhasma, ashwagandha, and shilajit. Exercise may also help boost hemoglobin levels by stimulating the production of new red blood cells.

5 Surprising Benefits Of Eating Birdseed

Birdseed, or canary seed, isn’t just for our feathered friends. When it’s grown for human consumption, the cereal grain has amazing health benefits. This functional food suppresses enzymes that constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure. It also inhibits enzymes that promote carb and fat absorption, making it useful for managing obesity and diabetes. The rich antioxidant content of canary seed also lowers the risk of chronic disease by fighting oxidative stress and inflammation.
How your blood group can put you at risk for certain diseases

What Does Your Blood Group Say About Your Health?

Have you noticed how sometimes, a diet that works great for your friend has no effect on you? Our blood type is often the...

Seeing Blood In Your Poop? Here Are 5 Possible Reasons

Most of us do everything we can to avoid the topic of pooping. And while it doesn’t exactly make for great dinner table conversation,...
Each of the different types of cells flowing through your bloodstream has a different role to play

What Does Having Thin Blood Mean?

Your blood is one of the most important components of your body. Each of the different types of cells flowing through your bloodstream has...

Blood In Bodily Fluids: What It Means And What You Can Do

Finding a little blood in body fluids such as mucus, urine, breast milk, vomit, and stool once in a while need not scare you. The reason behind it may be something small that can be treated at home. For example, finding a little blood in breast milk, especially in first-time moms, can be normal and quite common. Visit a doctor if you witness excessive bleeding combined with other issues.
causes of balance disorder

Causes Of Balance Disorder: What’s Throwing You Off Balance?

A complex arrangement that involves your inner ear as well as musculoskeletal and visual systems is responsible for maintaining your balance. Disturbances in your inner ear due to factors like infection or aging can throw you off balance. Diabetes, hypothyroidism, poor blood circulation, low blood pressure, and migraines can result in a balance disorder. So can central neurological disorders, head injuries, certain medications, and issues with the skeletal or visual systems.

Alcohol Consumption: How Long It Stays In Your System

Factors like body weight, age, gender, and the strength of alcohol affect the duration of alcohol in the body. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Every hour, 0.015 percent of alcohol is passed out from a person's body. Alcohol stays in urine for 12–36 hours while it stays in one's breath for up to 24 hours.

Why Is Folic Acid So Important?

Everyone needs folic acid, also known as vitamin B9. It supports cell and tissue growth, especially during adolescence, infancy, and pregnancy. The production of DNA and red blood cells also need this nutrient. In the nervous system, folic acid aids brain function, making it vital for mental and emotional health. Find it in leafy greens, asparagus, beef liver, and fortified breakfast cereal. Just don’t eat too much because it can mask the side effects of B12 deficiency.