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The 7 Chakras For Beginners

A Beginner’s Guide To The Seven Chakras

Chakras are the energy centers in our body located along the spinal cord through which energy flows. Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. So, a...

5 Easy Ways To Add Ayurveda To Your Daily Routine

Drink a glass of warm water right after you wake up to help flush the toxins and eliminate the waste out of your body. Scrape the tongue gently using a U-shaped metal cleaner and try oil pulling using lukewarm coconut or sesame oil. Indulge in self-massage with warm oil all over the body prior to taking a bath or shower. Eat mindfully and get at least 30 mins of exercise a day.
Treat huntington's disease with ayurveda

How To Treat Huntington’s Disease With Ayurveda

According to ayurveda, the first line of treatment involves basti or enema using herbal oils or decoctions to help counter vata imbalance and improve motor symptoms. Next, purgation therapy is used to treat the pitta imbalance which causes mental symptoms like anxiety, mania. The last step involves shirodhara, nasya followed by oil massages to help correct the gait.

5 Home Remedies To Cure Eczema

Mix 1.5c baking soda with 3 gallons of water. Use a washcloth to soak into the mixture and apply to affected skin. Your itchiness will reduce tenfold instantly. Equally soothing can be slathering on some honey or dabbing diluted apple cider vinegar or a solid paste of green clay onto the affected area. Try herbal helpers like 1t of panchatikta ghritam twice a day.

Energy-Balancing Techniques For Menopausal Symptoms

In ancient Indian culture, it was widely acknowledged that menopause was a natural process of life that did not require artificial hormone replacement therapy....
home remedies for laryngitis

10 Best And Simple Home Remedies For Laryngitis

Gargle several times a day with warm salt water or using a mix of 1t apple cider vinegar (ACV) to 1c lukewarm water. Chew on a small piece of fresh, raw ginger root or 1-2 cloves of garlic. Equally soothing can be drinking up turmeric milk, ginger tea, or 1-2T of ACV with one glass of warm water, 1t honey, 1t cayenne pepper, 2-3 times a day.

5 Practices To Heal Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

How To Heal Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Traditional Indian energy healers considered the menstrual cycle as sacred, as it is a cycle of mother nature. The moon governs...

11 Simple Home Remedies For Split Ends

You don't have to chop off your hair to remove split ends. Here are a few natural home remedies to deal with it. Coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, and shea butter can moisturize split ends. The proteins in milk, yogurt, and beer; the antioxidants in bananas and vitamin E oil; and honey work at locking in the moisture.

6 Self-Care Practices To Heal Infertility

Take alternating hot and cold, mineral-rich, Himalayan pink rock salt sitz baths, preferably daily evening. Massage the lower abdomen, lower back, buttocks daily, with 2T of warm organic ghee and 5 drops of essential oil of choice to help improve pelvic circulation. Try herbal helpers like shatavari, ashwagandha, amalaki, black cumin and ajwain seeds.
natural remedies for nasal polyps

5 Natural Remedies For Nasal Polyps You Should Try At Home

Take 1t of turmeric powder with warm milk, every morning and before bedtime on a regular basis. Up your intake of citrus fruits, garlic, horseradish (if you hate the strong flavor, mix it with honey!) in your daily meal plan. Dip a cotton bud in tea tree oil and apply it along the nasal passage at least twice a day.
witch hazel for skin

7 Natural Home Remedies With Witch Hazel For Skin

Witch hazel may not be as ubiquitous as aloe vera, but it may just be better than you'd imagined! This antibacterial, anti-inflammatory herbal remedy can be used topically not only to treat acne, eczema, but to heal minor burns and bruises too. In addition, for those with hemorrhoids, sunburn, or insect bites, witch hazel can also help ease itchiness and swelling.
how to get rid of mucus in your throat

9 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Mucus In Your Throat

Allergies and infections can cause excess mucus (phlegm) which irritates your throat. Sipping on warm fluids like chicken soup, thyme or aniseed tea, or just a plain glass of warm honey-lemon water can help loosen up or thin out the mucus, making it easier to expectorate. Equally soothing can be gargling with salt water and inhaling the eucalyptus-scented steam.
benefits of ghee

Health Benefits Of Ghee Or Clarified Butter: Try This Ayurvedic Superfood Today

Enriched with antioxidants and key vitamins your body needs, ghee or clarified butter is one of the healthiest sources of fat. It aids weight loss and is even good for heart health when consumed in moderation. Ghee is also recommended in ayurvedic medicine to facilitate digestion and to treat burns and inflammatory swellings.
Home Remedies For Dry Feet

Amazing Home Remedies For Dry Feet

Limit the time you spend in the shower and use warm rather than hot water for washing your feet. Use a pumice stone, natural exfoliants like yogurt to slough off dead skin. After washing the feet, pat dry and slather on some petroleum jelly, sesame or coconut oil, honey, or shea butter to help seal in the moisture. Or try rubbing pure mashed avocado into cracked heels.
Home Remedies To Treat Psoriasis Naturally

8 Proven and Natural Remedies To Treat Psoriasis

If psoriasis is bothering you, look beyond surface treatments and seek answers in alternative therapy and natural remedies. Tap into the power of yoga, Tai chi, and even acupuncture to de-stress and ease those aches and pains. Try topical remedies like aloe gel, apple cider vinegar, Epsom salts to soothe your sore skin. Quitting smoking and alcohol may help too!