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5 Steps To Create A Fitness Program You Can Stick With

Fitness and health are something everyone aspires for and yet they feel so hard to achieve. You decide to go for a run every...
turn your yoga session into cardio

Does Yoga Qualify As Cardio?

Yoga has taken the fitness industry by storm and there are enough studies now to prove the many physical and psychological benefits of yoga....

7 Hip-Opening Yoga Poses To Release Tension And Bring Balance

Most conventional exercises do not focus on the hip because they're aimed at developing muscles that you can see, like your shoulders, biceps, abs,...
NSAIDs May Not Be The Best Treatment For Workout Pain

NSAIDs May Not Be The Best Treatment For Workout Pain

Exercise-induced pain is a common problem among athletes, and they resort to NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Ibuprofen for relief. This can cause several health problems like gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal as well as renal side effects. An anti-inflammatory diet and far-infrared sauna baths may be better alternatives to NSAIDs for exercise-induced stress relief.

7 Benefits Of Holding Walking Meetings At Work

You have probably heard about the numerous health benefits of walking – right from strengthening your heart, boosting the immune function, and easing joint...

6 Things You Can Do Every Day To Prevent Cancer

Scientists and doctors still haven't been able to zero in on the exact cause of cancer. While studies have helped classify certain compounds responsible...

5 Park Workouts To Play Your Pounds Away This Summer

Whether it's a plank or a push up, you can now do your favorite muscle toning exercises at your neighborhood park. From targeting multiple sets of muscles such as your abs and glutes to melting those extra calories away, these exercises do it all with some help from basic park props like a bench. Remember to keep adequate resting time in between sets to further boost the fat burning process.
engaging key muscles in your body

8 Moves You’re Not Doing Before Your Workouts But Should

Warming up before starting your workout is the first basic rule of exercising. However, warming is more than just get your heart racing and...

Haven’t Been To The Gym All Week? Do These 5 Moves

After an accidental break from the gym, don’t jump in too fast. Strengthen each side with dumbbell presses. Unlike a barbell, separate weights allow for more freedom of movement. Dumbbell lunges will work out the lower body, while dumbbell deadlifts use the entire body. You can also do plank rows with dumbbells for a total body workout. To get a burst of energy, do explosive jumps over a box or bench.
9 Simple Strategies To Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups

9 Simple Strategies To Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Psoriasis is a skin condition that occurs in many people. Dermatologists generally prescribe medications to treat this skin condition. But, some simple yet effective changes to your lifestyle can not only help treat psoriasis but also play a crucial role in preventing the disease. By following a healthy diet, by using skin-friendly cosmetics and skin care products, and by adopting healthy practices, you can prevent and treat psoriasis.

Best And Worst Exercises To Do When You Have A Cold

When you're down with a cold, exercising is probably the last thing on your mind. However, in some cases, doing moderate physical activity may...

Are You Getting Carried Away With That Fitness Tracker Of Yours?

Trackers have been around for some time now and have helped people become more motivated about staying active. They also bring in an element...

10 Exercises That Cut Your Workout Time And Burn Calories

Getting slim, fit, and toned often seems like a daunting challenge. With plyometrics you can burn calories and fat effectively. Pyramid training and the Tabata protocol, cardio workouts involving interval cardio, mix of cardio and weights are great for fat burning, too. Performing exercises like drop sets, supersets, compound sets, giant sets and combining different moves into one are other ways to burn calories.
combinations of diets and exercise

Does Cardio Make You Gain Weight?

The most common advice that you get when you tell people you want to lose weight is to burn more calories. People boil down...
5 Exercises And Yoga Poses For Your Inner Thighs

5 Exercises And Yoga Poses For Your Inner Thighs

Tone your inner thighs with the clamshell exercise. It strengthens the hips and thighs and is great for the glutes. First position exercise can work the inner thighs, too. Side plank with leg lifts works both the legs at the same time. If yoga is your choice, go for poses like the bridge pose and reverse warrior pose.