Svadhishthana Chakra /Sacral Chakra: Unlocking The Secrets

Svadhishthana Chakra Sacral Chakra Unlocking The Secrets
Svadhishthana Chakra Sacral Chakra Unlocking The Secrets

Svadhisthana, the second chakra can literally be translated as ‘sweetness’. It is situated in the genital region and is known to have six vermillion lotus petals. It is also known as the sacral nerve plexus. The word ‘svadhisthana’ is derived from the Sanskrit word- ‘swa’ meaning ‘one’s own’ and ‘adhisthana’ meaning ‘dwelling place’- hence leading to the meaning- ‘One’s own residence.’

Svadhisthana chakra begins to develop between ages 2 and 4. The child begins to create his/her own individuality but still, under the guidance of the parents. The aspects of Svadhisthana chakra are: procreation, family and fantasy. The earth element of Muladhara chakra dissolves into the water element of Svadhisthana chakra, thus showing it connection to the previous chakra.



-Tantric: swadhishthana, adhishthana, bhima, shatpatra, skaddala padma, wari-chakra
-Vedic (late Upanishads): swadhishthana, medhra
-Puranic: swadhishthana


Name: Dwelling place of the self

Element: Water


Yantra: Moon-shaped crescent

Color: Orange


Shape: Circle with crescent

Petals of the lotus: Six


Vowel sound: Oo

Rights: To feel, to want


Endocrine gland: Ovaries, testicles

Physical association: Womb, genitals, kidney, bladder


Psychological function: Movement and connection

Identity: Emotional

Developmental stage: 6months – 2 years

Challenge: Guilt

Plane: Astral plane

Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Moon

Deity: Indra, Rakini, Vishnu

Bija or Seed Mantra:  “Vam” (लँ) pronounce as VANG. The ‘V’ sound is produce by the lips as though making a ‘FF’ sound before the VA. Focus in the sacral chakra when chanting the mantra VANG. Repetition of Bijan Mantra-Lam, removes insecurities associated with this Chakra. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter (Bam, Bham, Mam, Yam, Lam and Ram)

Vital breath: Prana

Spiritual Lesson : creativity, manifestation. honoring relationships, learning to “let go”

Physical Dysfunctions: low back pain, sciatica, ob/gyn problems, pelvic pain, libido, urinary problems

Mental and Emotional Issues: blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, morality

Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra: duality, magnetism, controlling patterns, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear)

Shape: Circle

Nourishing foods: Mostly orange in color- carrots, mangoes, oranges, pumpkins and squashes. Liquids are important for this chakra, try drinking a lot of clean water.

Gemstones: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tigers Eye, Moonstone, Orange Jasper, Topaz and Agate

Essential Oils: Cedar, Clove, Cypress, Bergamot, Clary sage, Orange, Ylang-ylang Marjoram, and Myrrh.

Mudra: Dhyana Mudra–Rest hands on your lap, palms facing upwards, on top of one another. Keep the right hand underneath the left hand; gently touch the tip of the thumbs. This simple calming position is also called the “Meditation Mudra.”

Location: Swadhisthana chakra is between the genital and the navel. It lies in the area of the sacral vertebrae IV, within the filum terminale. The frontal trigger point is near your pubic bone, at the root of the penis in male and the clitoris in female.

Animal vehicle: Crocodile named Makara.

Symbol: I’s symbol is a lotus flower with six orange petals. In the bottom, there is a white crescent moon called “Ambhoja Mandala.

Sensory organ: Tongue

Element: Water has the enormous power; at times, it is still (calm) like the deepest ocean, occasionally it is turbulent like a raging river.

Plexus: Sacral Plexus – is a Nerve Plexus formed by the fourth and fifth lumbar and first, second, third sacral nerves; supplies the pelvic region and lower limbs. The verb that best fits this chakra is “I feel.”

Musical note: “D.”

Endocrine glands: Gonads, which consist of both male and female sex organs. These include the ovaries, testes, and prostate gland.

Position: externally, genital region

Petals: six; arranged from right to left

Colour: vermilion, deep red, shining red, whitish red, lightning-like, golden

-on petals: six in number: Bang Bhang Mang Yang Rang Lang, arranged from right to left
-colour: lightning-like, diamond-white, white, vermilion

-on petals: six in number; arranged from right to left
-name: 1 affection; 2 pitilessness; 3 feeling of all-destructiveness; 4 delusion; 5 disdain; 6 suspicion

The Significance of Svadhisthana Art

Vishnu is seated on the Garuda, the king of birds. Garuda is the concentrated vayu power developed from the highest form of kumbhaka (breath-suspension) which is under full control of Vishnu. Garuda represents the five vayus within us: Apana, Prana, Samana, Udana and Vyana.

From the Garuda, the practice of Uddiyana control, the control of the lower abdomen has developed. By this means the Great bird of Prana, the life force is constantly forced to fly upward, ascending along Sushumna nadi the central channel. By concentration, control over the five prana forces is increased through the release of Kundalini, and consequently pranayama develops. Then Lord Vishnu begins to be awakened.

His energy is Rakini or Chakini Shakti, two-headed, four armed, holding an arrow, a skull, a drum, and an ax, seated on a red lotus. Rakini is one of the forms of Kundalini Shakti. She wears a red sari, and jewels encircle her neck and four arms. The chakra’s associated animal is the light grey or green makara (crocodile), an emblem of the waters and the vehicle of the god Varuna, lord of the sea.

Varuna has full control over the water principle and the celestial ocean (the milky way), the medium through which the five prana forces exhibit their functional activities. This subtle water in its essence is Amrita, the deathless substance, and in its gross form is blood and various external and internal secretions.

Unlocking The Svadhisthana Chakra

The inspiration to create begins in the second chakra. Fantasy enters as the person begins interrelating with family and friends. Svadhisthana is the energetic emotional hub of our bodies. The core of this chakra is located at the lower abdomen, low back, and reproductive organs. The chakras desire is for sensory pleasure.

But unfortunately, sensory gratification can also be found excessive eating, sexual activities, and use of drugs. Depriving yourself of pleasure only gives it an increased power and significance which may end up in a deficiency and as someone who allows no pleasure at all.

The element of this chakra is water and it invokes a sense of fluidity with life. When svadhisthana is balanced there is grace, acceptance, and compassion towards yourself and others which flows just like water.

Symbolic Representation of Svadhisthana Chakra

The Svadhisthana is shown with six petals that unfold from within a circle. The petals of the chakras represent the unfoldment of primal sound through the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet.

The six petals of the Svadhisthana represent six syllables of Sanskrit; बं baṃ, भं bhaṃ, मं maṃ, यं yaṃ, रं raṃ and लं laṃ. There are two circles in the center of this chakra, and the shape of a crescent moon. Both the circles and the crescent connect this chakra to the lunar qualities of the moon. These circles are white, shining and watery and represent the divine movement of emotion that emanates from the center of this chakra center.

The Vrittis (means Whirlpool) debited on the petals are affection or indulgence, pitilessness, destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion. The white crescent moon called “Ambhoja Mandala” present in the bottom, formed by two different-sized circles one inside the other. These two inner circles also have petals; the larger one has eight outward facing petals, and the smaller one has eight inwards facing petals.

The crescent moon “Ambhoja Mandala” is translucent representing water element; it is formless, flowing (ever changing), cleansing and adaptable. This subtle water in its essence is Amrita (deathless substance), and its gross forms are blood and various external & internal secretions. A crocodile named “Makara,” is present in the bottom. It represents the nature of this chakra; crocodile floats, swim deep under the water, and is strong in sexual energy. There is a general faith that crocodile’s fat can increase men’s virility.

Makara also teaches us of integration of the polarities of life. An alligator can ingest anything, and consume it, transforming matter into energy through its raw power and appetite. It helps keep us balanced and gives us the power to consume all that we are given in our lives and transform it to serve our highest selves.

Svadhisthana contains the unconscious desires of a person, including one’s sexual desire. Hence, it is extremely difficult to raise the kundalini above Swadhisthana, even for saints who meditate for years. This chakra governs tastes of all kinds- including food, experiences and teachings.

Svashisthana is governed by the subconscious mind and ruled by emotions such as sensuality, sexual, intimacy, self-acceptance, and personal relationships. This chakra decides; how we relate with others, preferring relationships and what they mean to us.

The entire planet is covered by grids of energy and light that connect the people, places and sacred structures together in patterned and miraculous ways. Each chakra has a physical location on earth where its energy is manifest in a portal. The location of the Svadhisthana chakra is Lake Titicaca on the border of Bolivia and Peru.

To get a visual of svadhistana chakra, go just above your pubic hairline, about 2 inches below your navel. This is the sexual center for women. This is also the area that in QiGong is called The Dantien for women and is often used as a visualization in medical QiGong self-healing. It is here that a balanced yin-yang connection is maintained.

Balanced Svadhistana Chakra

If this Chakra is balanced, there will be enormous capacity for creativity and partnerships with others, not only relatives. If this Chakra is out of balance, there will be emotional problems that have to do with sex. There will be addiction to feelings of guilt. The ability to be nurturing and giving to others will be hampered by self-denial and the inability to receive without a feeling of being obligated. Giving will be more out of duty, not from the heart.

Balanced Svadhisthana chakra can provide a capacity to make partnerships with others, intimate (with family, friends & neighbors), compassionate, intuitive, eat healthy needful quantities, enjoy comfort, balanced emotions, lovely optimal sex life, satisfied about their sexual energy, and free from any addictive behaviors.

Imbalanced/Underactive Svadhistana Chakra

When out of balance, a person is unable to let their creative juices flow. Instead, they are stuck in routine and sameness. If this Chakra is underactive, the person just doesn’t feel good about who he or she is. There is uncertainty, indecisiveness, constantly questioning what to do.

Imbalanced Svadhisthana chakra can cause emotional problems such as irritability, guilt (not feel good who he or she is), shyness, and irresponsible. Everything will revolve around sex; it becomes an attitude about life, the way of thinking or being, may feel impotent, frigid, or over-sexed.It hampers self-denial and the ability to give to others, giving will become more duty bound instead of love, and feel obliged to receive.

There is more self-love and masturbation than loving the partner, stubborn, eating disorders (such as eating too much or not at all) and require excess sleep to feel rested. They may disassociate from friends, family, neighbors, and prefers spending time lonely in the home.

Overactive Svadhistana Chakra

If this Chakra is overactive, there will be self-love and more masturbation than love with a partner. The person will be stubborn. Eating disorders are common (eating too much or not at all). A perfect example of this Chakra being out of balance is someone who needs to sleep too much to feel good, and then doesn’t feel rested anyway. Chronic lack of energy.

Behavioral Characteristics Of Svadhisthana Chakra

A person with strong svadhisthana chakra is generally hunting, tricking, and fantasizing in nature. Swadhisthana chakra color is orange a combination of red and yellow color. Red indicates energy, and the yellow indicates happiness. Orange color represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, attraction, success, encouragement, emotion, and stimulation.

Svadhisthana chakra deals with emotions, sexuality, intimacy, reproduction, desire, pleasure, self-gratification, and personal relationships. This chakra governs sexual & reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, lower digestive tract, rectum, and eliminatory organs.

Normally a person between the ages of eight and fourteen acts from second-chakra motivation. He will sleep eight to ten hours nightly, in a fetal position. In terms of the elements, the earth is dissolved into water.

Instead of standing alone and defensive, as he did in first chakra, the child begins to reach out to his family and friends for physical contact. The imagination increases. Once the need for food and shelter is met, the person is free to visualize any environment or circumstance that he desires. Sensuality enters into relationships as a new awareness of the physical body evolves.

The desire for physical sensations and mental fantasies can be a problem for the person at this level. Gravity causes water to flow downward, and thus, the second chakra can have a downward, whirlpool effect on the psyche, causing a person to be restless and confused.

The body and mind have natural limitations which must be respected and understood if the person is to remain healthy and balanced. Eating, sleeping, and sex must be regulated in order to attain a harmonious, peaceful state of body and mind.

A second chakra person often pretends to be a prince, lord, or hero. He changes roles, maintains high self-esteem, and is chivalrous. Every culture produces an abundance of stories and poems heralding these royal heroes, destroyers of evil.

Svadhisthana Chakra encompasses the astral plane as well as the planes of entertainment, fantasy, nullity, jealousy, mercy, envy, and joy. The astral plane is the space between heaven and earth. Here the earth becomes a jewel and the heavens are within reach. Fantasy may be used to advantage through the crafts and fine arts.

Nullity is a state of emptiness and purposelessness. When the world is seen with a negative mind, nothing excites, nothing pleases, all is lost. Envy and jealousy arise from a desire to possess the time or qualities of another. This results in a destructive state of restless anxiety. The plane of joy brings a feeling of deep satisfaction. This joy penetrates the entire consciousness of the person who has evolved beyond the aspects of the second chakra

Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification. The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.

How To Balance Svadhishthana Chakra

Besides being open to creativity in your daily life, you can balance the second chakra by maintaining a healthy sexual life and honoring and respecting your body. Get in touch with your emotions and see if there are any feelings you’re holding onto. Make a commitment to process those emotions in a healthy way.

Breathing: Left nostril breathing called Ida Nadi breathing will help to open up the second chakra as it brings forth lunar energy. Simply close your right nostril with the first two fingers of your right hand and inhale and exhale through the left nostril, only for 8 to 10 breaths.

Meditation with focus on the second chakra brings about personal magnetism, refinement in behavior, freedom from diseases, and longevity.

Support: This chakra is fed by developing support systems and boundaries. Taking responsibility for what is happening in your life and “owning” up to your downfalls. Feeding your creative side and taking care of your body.

Engage In Your Hobbies: Honour your self by finding a hobby or activity that provides you with pleasure. Paint, draw, sing, act, dance, exercise your body, garden, and construct bird houses, something that expresses who you are to others. If you are not sure what you want to do, then think back to when you were about 10-12 years old. What did you dream about doing with your life’s energy that would make you happy and fulfilled?

Yogasanas To Open And Align Svadhishthana Chakra

Seated pelvic circles: Sitting in a cross-legged or half-lotus pose with your hands on your knees, make circles with your torso. Go around in one direction 5 or 6 times and then switch directions.

Baddha konasana (butterfly pose) with forward fold: In a seated position, bring the bottoms of your feet together. Let your knees drop to the sides and bring your heels in close to your pelvis. Lengthen the torso and fold forward.

Bhujangasana (cobra pose): Lie on your stomach with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands under your shoulders and slowly lift your head, chest, and abdomen while keeping your naval on the floor. Be sure to press down through the pubic bone toward the mat.

Healing Visualizations, Meditations And Exercises


Imagine a brilliant red-orange sun setting or rising. Visualize it making circles and radiating out from your lower abdomen into your genitals, lower back and sacrum. Follow it with a slow inhalation. When you exhale, feel the energy of the sun flow up through your body from this Chakra, and out through the top of your head. Listen to the waves of the ocean as the sun begins to sink deeper and deeper into your lower spine and into your 2nd Chakra. Relax and just feel this. Breathe slowly the entire time.

When you are finished, always shimmy your body (as much as you can) like a dog coming out of water. This is a great exercise to do after all visualizations with Chakras. You can also find some simple exercises to open the svadhisthana chakra here.