How To Address The Root Causes Of Infertility Naturally

If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year, there is a good chance that something may be causing you to not conceive. To accomplish a pregnancy, the intricate processes of ovulation and fertilization need to work right.

For many couples attempting pregnancy, something goes wrong in one or both of these complex processes and causes infertility. Because of the intricate series of events required to begin a pregnancy, many factors may cause a delay in starting your family.


Here is some general advice for couples trying to conceive along with the reasons outlined which may be responsible for your fertility problems.

Understanding Infertility: The Basics

Misinformation And Missing Information About Infertility



Infertility is the inability to achieve pregnancy  after 12 months or more of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse (or after 6 months if the woman is older than 35).  The term describes men who can’t get a woman pregnant and woman who can’t carry a pregnancy to term. Here is an educational infographic to learn the myths and facts related to infertility!

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Understanding And Treating Infertility [Part 1]


Infertility differs from sterility. Being sterile means you are unable to conceive a child. With sterility, you or your partner has a physical problem that precludes the ability to conceive. A diagnosis of infertility simply means that becoming pregnant may be a challenge rather than a feeling of hopelessness!


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Understanding And Curing Infertility [Part 2]



Tubal damage with scarring is the major risk factor for a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is unable to make its way through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). One episode of tubal infection may cause fertility difficulties. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases with each occurrence of tubal infection.

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Infertility Risk Factors

Health conditions and behaviors, age, genetics, occupational and environmental risks can all cause or contribute to infertility in men and women. Get informed about these risk factors and take effective early steps toward conception! Beware of the following toxins in our everyday life that can majorly affect your fertility.

Do Pesticide Residues In Foods Heighten Infertility Risk?



Pesticide exposure may affect spermatogenesis leading to poor semen quality and reduced male infertility. The sperm can be genetically altered for 90 days from 1 pesticide exposure. It may also cause damage to testis and alter hormone function. It is advisable to consume foods low in pesticide residues like – avocados, sweet corn, pineapple, cabbage, onions, and asparagus.

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Does Excessive Coffee Consumption Cause Male Infertility?


It’s not just the coffee but any caffeinated drinks. Researchers who were studying the impact of caffeine among men reportedly said that it may harm sperm at a molecular level. Those men who drank 265 mg or more caffeine had the least chance of becoming fathers. While people who drink less than a cup will achieve a potency rice to 52%.

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Can Vegetable Oil Cause Hormonal Imbalance And Infertility?


Vegetable oil is known for containing a high concentration of carbohydrates and omega-6 –fats. The exposure of these oil packets to light and heat creates a mutation in the body and can bring severe imbalance in reproductive hormones causing infertility, and may also spur problems like endometriosis and PCOD as opined by one 2007 study.

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Can BPA In Plastics And Cans Trigger Infertility?


Studies have shown that the industrial compound bisphenol A (BPA) causes damage to developing ovaries. BPA interferes with the enzymes essential in the production of sex hormones responsible for reproductive function. BPA is an ovarian toxicant and found in polycarbonate plastics, protective linings in cans and pipes. So, avoid BPA when possible.

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Natural Remedies To Cure Fertility Problems

Two major factors that can help reverse your infertility naturally are – A Healthy Diet and Lifestyle. To decrease your risk of fertility problems and increase your chances of becoming pregnant use the following guidelines.

Natural Treatment For Infertility: Guide On Preconception Care


We are learning that our environment and diet literally can alter gene expression through the science of epigenetics. All input into our body (physical and mental) sends messengers to our DNA to turn ‘on’ or turn ‘off’ certain genes. By Ayurveda cleansing, we are able to reset the proper expression of genes that help us function optimally. Ayurveda places emphasis on the preconception period than the pregnancy period itself. For a more in-depth look at the process and a step-by-step how-to instruction, check out the following ‘Preparing for Pregnancy Ayurveda Guide’.

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What Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Recommend For Infertility?


Acupuncture can help you get rid of stress by stimulating the hypothalamus to balance the endocrine system. It also increases blood supply to the uterus and builds up the uterine lining. Tai Chi promotes whole mind-body health beneficial for hormonal balance. Soybean and Gossypium have pro-estrogen and pro-androgen properties.

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7 Things That Help Cope And Overcome Infertility Issues


Do not be let down by a diagnosis, they work differently for people. Keep trying and stay positive. Do not get stressed by the result or consequences and jump to conclusions. If you just got off a contraceptive pill then try at least for 6 months, your body needs time to stabilize and get back to the regular cycle. Talk about it with friends and most importantly support your partner.

Guide To Female Infertility And Getting Pregnant


If you are trying to get pregnant, eat organic and unrefined foods. Increase your protein intake. Maca, dark leafy greens stabilize hormonal balance. Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. Common deficiencies in women who are unable to conceive are zinc, B-vitamins, and essential fatty acids which can be corrected by taking supplements.

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How To Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally?


Diet changes – Avoid grains, processed foods, sugars, and starches . Obtain necessary carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and starchy sources like sweet potatoes. Lifestyle Changes – Minimize exposure to toxins like drug abuse, smoking. Get good sleep and incorporate physical activity. Herbs – Red raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, dandelion, alfalfa and red clover can help.

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