Lifestyle Changes To Reverse Erectile Dysfunction.

Lifestyle Changes To Reverse Erectile Dysfunction.

Many men turn to medication at the first sign of erectile dysfunction but studies have shown that simple lifestyle changes can help in treating the problem. Erectile dysfunction is a very common condition among men especially over the age of 50 but cases are seen in men of all ages. If you find it difficult to get or maintain an erection chances are you are suffering from ED but it may be a number of factors that are causing it which can be both psychological and physical.

Although erectile dysfunction can occur due to both psychological and physical issues, the main cause is often physical and includes factors such as being overweight or obese, excessive alcohol drinking, lack of exercise and sleeping disorders.



Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia conducted a study on over 800 men over a five year period to find out how erectile dysfunction is linked to health problems. 31% of men between the age of 35 and 80 who were involved in the study reported some form of erectile dysfunction during this time period. 29% of the men were able to reverse their problems by making lifestyle changes such as losing weight, improving diet, getting better sleep, exercising more and drinking less alcohol.

Gary Wittert, head of the Discipline of Medicine at the University of Adelaide and director of the university’s men’s health center commented about the study and how men can overcome ED in a more natural way. He stated “Sexual relations are not only an important part of people’s well-being, from a clinical point of view, the inability of some men to perform sexually can also be linked to a range of other health problems, many of which can be debilitating or potentially fatal.”



[pullquote]‘Our study found that a large proportion of men were naturally overcoming erectile dysfunction issues. This shows that many of these factors affecting men are modifiable, offering them an opportunity to do something about their condition,’[/pullquote]

What to do to help ED naturally?

1. Make sure you are exercising enough – not only will the right amount of exercise keep the rest of your body healthy it also improves blood flow in the body and naturally produces testosterone a significant factor in erectile strength and sex drive. It’s also essential to weight control along with physical and mental health. It’s recommended that adults between the age of 19-64 should have at least 150 minutes of both moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week such as fast walking or cycling along with muscle-strengthening activities such as lifting weights or sit-ups to get all of your muscle groups working.


2. Eat Healthy – Make sure your eating right as what you eat can have a direct impact on erectile dysfunction. It will also help you keep a healthy body weight reducing the likelihood of you becoming overweight or obese which is also linked to ED. The RDA for men is 2500 and eating mostly vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, healthy fats, and healthy proteins is recommended for a healthy diet. Drinking water instead of sugary drinks too will help you to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Sleep soundly – Getting regular sleep is important to general health but also to testosterone levels in the body. The release of hormones in the body is controlled by your internal clock so keep your sleep patterns regular and consistent.


4. Drink less Alcohol – As alcohol is a depressant it can quickly dampen your mood and decrease sexual desire. Moderate the amount you are drinking so that toxins don’t build up in your body affecting organs that are important during sex.

5. Natural Remedies – A lot of natural remedies have shown to help erectile dysfunction including Ginseng; said to improve sexual function and dark green vegetables which contain zinc improving blood flow to major organs.
