Coffee Is Good For Your Health, Go Ahead Get That Refill

Your caffeine fix doesn’t just help you jump-start your day but it also packs in a slew of health benefits. Regular coffee drinkers are less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. It also helps protect against alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver.

A cup of joe 20 to 60 minutes before hitting the gym can help rid you of fatigue and spike your blood circulation. This boosts your basal metabolism and strengthens muscle contraction, thereby helping decrease the feeling of pain. And don’t discount its beauty benefits, ground coffee beans serve as a natural exfoliate.


Coffee is good for you, in fact, it is healthy too. Here’s a compilation that furthers the cause of coffee drinking (yes, get that refill now!). Oh, wait it is also a known aphrodisiac, and so we have included a recipe that is sure to boost your libido!

Uncovering The Hidden Benefits Of Coffee



Research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. Also, they are likely to face fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes. Drinking coffee puts you at a lower risk of gallstone formation, boosts your metabolism, and helps in gout prevention – an inflammatory condition caused by elevated levels of uric acid.

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Can Coffee Make You Live Longer?


A certain combination of nutrients and phytochemicals present in coffee beans can help improve life span. Although, caffeine in coffee can spike blood sugar levels and disrupt sleep patterns. Three cups a day is safe, considering people have varying caffeine sensitivity. If you’re a decaf fan then an additional cup won’t hurt.


Why Should You Drink A Cup of Coffee Before You Exercise?


Caffeine helps fight fatigue and spikes blood circulation. This boosts basal metabolism and strengthens muscle contraction, decreasing the feeling of pain. Coffee also contains chlorogenic acid, which helps the body break down fat cells, boosting exercise performance. For best results, drink 1 cup of hot black coffee 20-60 mins before you head out for the gym or jogging.


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Can Coffee Help Reverse The Side Effects Of Excessive Alcohol Consumption?



Drinking coffee could help protect against alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver. Several studies done on alcohol drinkers, who consumed coffee regularly, are less likely to have high levels of liver enzymes in the blood, that can be markers for inflammation or indications of any disease. Also coffee consumption can significantly reduce the risk for hepatic cirrhosis.

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Can Drinking Coffee Save Your Liver?


Comparative studies between groups, where one drank coffee as a habit and the other didn’t consume coffee at all, showed that the former group had better liver function, 25% lesser chance of liver disorders and better enzyme production. However, experts are unable to trace the compound responsible for these effects and recommend sticking to 3 cups a day.

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Is Coffee Consumption Linked To Diabetes?


Coffee has been shown to lower risks of diabetes. It contains polyphenols that helps prevent inflammatory illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes. It also contains magnesium and chromium, which have been linked with lower diabetes risk. Coffee is helpful for improving insulin sensitivity, which may help to offset the opposite effects of caffeine.

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What Can Improve Brain Creativity: Beer Or Coffee?


Caffeine gives you energy and focus by removing drowsiness while beer gets your creative juices flowing as it affects the cerebral cortex-part of the brain that controls languages and thoughts. But people get addicted to caffeine believing they need it to keep them awake and overdose of beer makes you lose control. Stay in moderation or risk losing the benefits.

How To Boost Sex Drive With Sex Coffee? [Recipe]


This sex coffee has all the ingredients to effectively boost your libido. Maca, cacao, cinnamon, honey and coconut milk collectively help boost hormone production, improve semen quality, delay menopause, lower blood sugar, improve stamina, and improve sex drive. Read on for the complete recipe.

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Can Coffee Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?


Find some myths about coffee, debunked in the following video, where Ashley Koff – an internationally-renowned registered dietitian talks about the calories one derives from coffee and how coffee can actually be a part of your daily, healthy regimen if only, you follow a few simple steps.

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Your Skin Loves Coffee Too!


Coffee works as a constrictor reducing small blood vessels and inflammation leading to smooth looking skin. It’s amazing ability to cause dehydration is good for drawing excess fluid from fat cells, making it the number one ingredient in cellulite reducing creams. Additionally, coffee grounds are a mechanical exfoliate unlike chemical exfoliates which remove skin cells with enzymes or acidic properties. This post contains some simple to make home-made coffee face packs and scrubs recipes for your skin and body.

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