Expert Q&A: Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally

Curejoy talked to Dr. Lori Shemek, is a well-known and reputed Professional Health Coach Expert and founder  of  the Health Attraction System , about some of the most common  cholesterol  questions and  how to naturally  lower  cholesterol.  The Huffington Post has recognized Dr. Shemek twice as one of the ‘Top 16 Health and  Fitness  Experts’ alongside such names as Dr. Oz and the Huffington Post also recognized her as one of the ‘Top  35 Diet and  Nutrition Experts’ . She is also a health expert for the ABC TV show Good Morning Texas.    For more detailed about Dr.Lori Shemek check

1. Why is it important to maintain healthy cholesterol levels?


Cholesterol is critically important for optimal health..that’s right, you need cholesterol.  Cholesterol is a soft waxy substance that is important for the production of cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help to break down fat.  Cholesterol is also needed for optimal brain function especially in the area of memory.

Without Cholesterol we would die.


There are two basic types of cholesterol:  High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) and Low Density Lipproteins (LDL).  HDL is considered the ‘good’ cholesterol and LDL is considered the ‘bad’ cholesterol.  HDL helps clear away the artery clogging LDL.  The LDL cholesterol circulates in your blood stream and can build-up creating plaques that reduce blood flow and eventually can constrict artery blood flow and if a clot forms a heart attack or stroke can occur.

2. Is it important to lower your cholesterol if it high? 

Unfortunately, there is a pervasive myth that high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease.  In the longest-running study on heart disease done thus far, the Framingham Heart Study showed that the intake of cholesterol in our diet (from eggs or saturated fat, for example) was not correlated with heart disease.

Cholesterol becomes a problem due to low-level inflammation.  It is similar to having a sore on the outside of your body.  Your immune system sends immune cells and chemicals to fight the invaders such as bacteria and viruses at the site of the sore.  A protective ‘scab’ is formed and then the sore heals.  In a very similar way, inflamed cells in the artery walls, then begins to create a ‘band-aid like effect and this band-aid is cholesterol that is used as a ‘patch’ or to protect the artery.  It is much like having a hole in a wall that is filled with plaster to patch it.  Essentially, it is the inflammation – not the cholesterol that leads to the creation of the plaque.

No cell can form without cholesterol.

Cholesterol’s role is a beneficial and it should be flowing free through the blood stream one when part of a healthy low-inflammatory system.