No More Excuses: 4 Simple Exercises You Can Do Anywhere.

No More Excuses: 4 Simple Exercises You Can Do Anywhere.
No More Excuses: 4 Simple Exercises You Can Do Anywhere.

Can’t Find The Time For Exercise?

The majority of people think that to maintain your body in a perfect condition you need to spend hours in the gym, making complicated programmes and starting special regimes. Of course we all want to have enough free time to stay fit and to feel healthy about our bodies. However the harsh reality is, other priority items and lack of time wipe out any motivation you might have to hit the gym.

Its time to change this if you want to look at yourself in the mirror without any guilt. What if we could exercise while we work, travel or while doing some mundane tasks? Won’t that keep us active, more relaxed and not eat into your current lifestyle? Here’s a rundown of some of the most simple exercises that can keep you flexible and healthy on the go. You have no excuses to say that even these are difficult to do or fit in your routine.


4 Simple Exercises You Can Do Anywhere:

The bridge wonder

The bridge pose is suitable for strengthening your back, stretching your chest muscles and good exercise for the back of the neck.

For this exercise you need to lie on your back with your knees bent. Take a deep breath in and move your hips towards the sky. The back of your head needs to be pressed into the floor and the arms should be left on the ground. Hold this posture (hips lifted) and breathe normally. Do not let the knees fall open.


The useful couch crunches

For this exercise you need to sit as close to the edge of your couch as possible and raise your legs, with your knees kept straight. The crunches should not be very high and you can roll up with slow movements. You can do this exercise while you are watching TV and it is the perfect way to combine your favourite movie with this exercise.

Balance on the public transport

This exercise is perfect for maintaining balance and the best part is that you can practise it while taking the public transport. Although you cannot expect a smooth ride, you will be able to strengthen your leg muscles. Without inconveniencing fellow travellers and if you have ample space and support you can try standing on one leg. Add an extra challenge by closing your eyes while doing this. This not just builds muscle strength and balance but with the eyes closed it sharpens the balance of the mind as well.


Excellent overhead rotation

For this exercise you need a scarf or a belt. Hold the belt or scarf in front of you with the hands separated (shoulder length). Raise you hands slowly over the head and keep your arms straight. Move the arms and reach the point that feels tight and hold this pose for a second while breathing normally. Repeat this procedure about three times from front to back and then from back to front.

These simple exercises will help you to build muscle endurance and to keep your body in good condition. Try to choose places for your exercises that are clean enough unless you want make your clothes covered with dirt. If you don’t have time to maintain the hygiene in your home hire someone like Sparkling Carpets NW to do that for you. Remember that cleaning is also a part of the exercise and that it is also a good training for the muscles and for the whole body. So our advice is to enjoy your time, while providing your “clean” exercises.
