Is It Safe To Have Cinnamon During Pregnancy?

Is cinnamon safe during pregnancy
Is cinnamon safe during pregnancy

Cinnamon and pregnancy are very closely related terms. Very often, cinnamon is a tempting herb for pregnant woman troubled with stomach pains, indigestion, and other symptoms normally associated with pregnancy.

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of certain trees. It is used in both sweet and savory food items. The effect of cinnamon during pregnancy is debatable as it lacks scientific evidence. However, along with medicinal properties it is said to cause discomfort in pregnant women.


Cinnamon While Pregnant

Medically it is known that developing fetuses do not have mature detox systems, making them vulnerable to everyday toxins in foods and medicine consumed by the mother. Some research into glycyrrhizin found in cinnamon has shown that it disturbs the placenta, exposing the fetus to toxins and stress hormones from the mother. High levels of hormones known as glucocorticoids can affect fetal brain development and has been associated with behavioral disorders in children, and can affect the levels of IQ in children. Another element coumarin in cinnamon is considered harmful at large doses and has been linked in some studies (though not concretely) in triggering uterine contractions and stimulate preterm labor.

Cinnamon During Pregnancy

Women are recommended to keep cinnamon intake minimal while pregnant (as part of regular food only) to under 1/2 tsp daily and <100 gms/week. Avoid taking it independently, consuming or inhaling cinnamon essential oil, or taking as supplements, as it can cause involuntary contractions. As always, check with a doctor or medical professional before using cinnamon or any other herb medicinally.


