How To Recognize Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms?

Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms
Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms

In today’s increasingly stressful lives, taking some time out to listen to our own body, will not only help understand subtle imbalances, but also possible signs of onset of disease. Nutritional deficiencies are the easiest to decipher as they manifest themselves like small signals through the external facia of our bodies.

What is a Nutritional Deficiency?

A nutritional deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t, or cannot absorb the necessary amount of nutrients, vital for a balanced system. Whether from vapid calories (junk food), chemical-induced deficiencies, a lack of a variety in food, or any other factors, some of us just aren’t getting what we need. These manifest as simple symptoms like poor memory, giddiness, irritability, sleepiness, hair loss, to more serious ones like depression, heart palpitations, insomnia, PMS issues, etc. Over time, most people adapt to the symptoms making things difficult to diagnose and cure.


Here are some nutritional deficiency symptoms that you can do check right away, before your visit to your medical practitioner:


  • If your palms feel cold, irrespective of the season, it can be an indication of Magnesium deficiency.
  • If you experience tingling (light pricky) sensation in your plans, your Vitamin B12 levels are running low.


  • Do you suffer from dry skin? Chances are you are consuming less water, EFA (Essential fatty Acids), Vitamins A, E, D, and/or Potassium rich foods.
  • If you have pimply rough skin at the back of your palms, your body is starving for EFA, Vitamins A, E, and/or Zinc.
  • If you have the symptoms of Follicular Hyperkeratosis (also called “Phrynoderma”), check your Vitamin A,B and E levels.
  • Symptoms of Sebhorrhoeic Dermatitis are a sign of deprivation of water, EFA, Vitamin A, E, D and/or Potassium deficiency.
  •  Red scaly skin on the face points to deficiency in Vitamin B2.


  • If you detect symptoms of Pyorrhoea (infection in the bones, as well as the ligaments that support the teeth), your body is deficient in Calcium, Naicin and/or Folic acid.
  • Do you suffer from bleeding gums? Increase your intake of Vitamin C rich foods.
  • Any form of gum disease are signs of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10), Folic acid and/or Vitamin C deficiency.


  • Notice dark circles and sagging bags below your eyes? These are signs of food intolerances, allergies, and Iron deficiency.


  • Check if your tongue is pale in color and fissured. Iron deficiency could be the cause.
  • If you lips feel dry and cracked, crank up on your Vitamin B12 food intake.
  • A sore or swollen tongue is a clear sign of Folate, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Zinc and/or Iron deficiency.
  • If you notice ulcerations in the inside of your cheek, Niacin deficiency could be the cause.


  • If your nails have ridges or white spots, it indicates Zinc deficiency and insufficient digestive stomach acid.
  • If soft or brittle nails are the problem, Magnesium deficiency is to blame.
  • If you find your nails growing upwards, a condition called Spooning, your body lacks vital Iron.


  • An important indication of hormonal imbalance, swelling of the thyroid gland, shows a lack of Iodine deficiency and onset of Hypothyroidism.

Hair loss:

  • Losing hair more than normal? Indications of Folic Acid, B Vitamins, and/or EFA deficiency. In some cases this can also be due to Vitamin A toxicity.

How can Nutritional Deficiencies be treated?

The treatment for a nutritional deficiency depends on the type and the severity of the deficiency. Your doctor will assess the severity of the deficiency and the likelihood of long-term problems caused by the lack of nutrients. Dietary changes, supplements, parenteral administration, etc. can be suggested treatments but nothing beats going in for a wholesome mix of green vegetables, and vitamin rich foods.


Eat Healthy and Stay Healthy!!
