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5 Yoga Poses To Prepare For Childbirth

Hoping to conceive or getting ready for childbirth? Practice these simple Yoga asanas every day to strengthen your body for the arduous journey ahead.

Treating Throat Issues With Yoga

Throat issues are extremely common, usually infectious, and tricky to deal with. Take up this simple yoga practice to help heal the throat sooner.

Metabolism: 5 Common Issues And Their Remedies

We all know about the regimen set for the contestants of the oh-so-famous show “The Big Loser.” They tend to lose a lot of...

When Should You Drink Water

Thirst is a natural urge that should be fulfilled naturally. Hydrate when your thirsty. A glass when you wake up and with your meals will do you good, too.

9 Tips To Walk Correctly: Dos And Don’ts For Every Walker

To burn 120–170 calories by walking for 30 mins at 3.5 mph, you need to walk correctly. Breathe in through your nose, keep your spine erect, swing your hands at a right angle to your body, look straight ahead, and push off with your toes and land on your heel. Move your hips and waist, keep the abs taut, and find a comfortable stride.

How To Lose Leg Fat In 30 Days

Tone your legs with exercises focused not just on leg fat but on the whole body fat. Follow this gentle low-impact cardio routine to help you do just that.

Is Yoga Nidra A Solution To Good Sleep?

Sleep is very vital to everyone. Experts say we need at least 8 hours of sleep without disturbance. This is often difficult to achieve. The practice of yoga nidra (yogic sleep) can be used at bedtime as a sleep aid. It clears stress out to help you go to sleep and stay peacefully asleep. Please keep in mind that true yoga nidra happens when you’re completely relaxed and in a deeply meditative state while remaining alert and aware.

Yoga Nidra For Changing Behavior and Healing

Yoga nidra is very beneficial because it removes fatigue and invigorates the body. It can also help you make positive changes in your personality and lifestyle by using a sankalpa, a personal resolve, during yoga nidra. This is because your bodymind is more receptive to change due to the brain wave states that happen during yoga nidra.

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