
Stacey Chillemi

On a mission to transform the health of millions worldwide, I am a popular and recognizable health and lifestyle reporter and expert columnist and health host. Author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Natural Remedies for Common Conditions, along with 20 other published books. I am also the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide and a recognized health and natural remedies expert, with over 20 years in practice as a Health Coach. I write for the Huffington Post, Huff Post, Thrive Global and Medium (Owned by Arianna Huffington) and have been a guest on the Dr. Oz Show, local news, and numerous radio shows.

How To Reverse Diabetes Naturally With These 9 Superfoods

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by a lack of or under-utilization of the hormone insulin and increase in blood glucose levels. Have bitter gourd, amla, and the seeds of parslane to regenerate insulin. Jambul, black and Bengal gram, fenugreek seeds, and grapefruit can all maintain a healthy blood glucose level by either checking the conversion of starch into glucose or helping the body use glucose better.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Symptoms And Treatments

You might not be getting enough vitamin B12 and may, indeed, not even be thinking of it. One reason you aren’t thinking about it...

Horehound As A Natural Remedy To Health Problems

Even as more research is underway, the first use of this minty medicinal plant dates back to Roman era. Let's find out more on using horehounds in medicine.

Natural (Herbal) Ways To Treat Bacterial Overgrowth

Enteric coated peppermint oil and herbal remedies like olive leaf extract, garlic, oregano oil capsules, and grapefruit seed extract inhibits the growth of bacteria in the small intestine. During treatment, limit your intake of sweet and starchy foods and start including medium chain triglycerides like coconut oil, digestive enzyme supplements, and probiotics in your diet.

Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Yellow Toenails

Yellow toenails, although usually benign, can be embarrassing in social gatherings and painful in some cases. These easy natural home remedies will help you get rid of any underlying infections/conditions causing the discoloration. Heal you toenails with these simple applications before the condition becomes severe and difficult to treat.

How To Use Aloe Vera To Treat Diseases

The usage of aloe vera can be traced back to 6,000 years in early Egypt, where the plant was depicted on stone carvings. Known...

Mental Health Concerns And Treatment Options In America

Mental illness has been a cause of concern in the US and across the globe. What path lies before us to overcome this menace? Let's find out.

Thyme: A Herbal Treatment To Many Ills

Thyme has been considered a powerful medicinal herb for a millennium. Lets look at the various health of using thyme and diseases that can be cured?

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