You Asked: Your Top 50 Health Questions Answered

41. Baking Soda And Lemon: A Miraculous Combination

Studies have shown that baking soda and lemon juice could be a miraculous combination as it has the potential to kill the cancer cells. One of the largest manufacturers of drugs, states that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 they have proved that: Lemon cures cancer as it destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 types of cancers. 


42. Simple Tips Before Bedtime For Quick Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight can be an incredibly frustrating experience for most people. Since our body burns calories, both day and night, the following tips to be followed before bedtime could help in quick and effective weight loss.


43. Tips And Remedies For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are twisted, swollen veins near the surface of the skin and occur when weak or defective valves allow blood to flow backward or stagnate within the vein. Varicose veins can be caused by aging, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, injuries, or prolonged standing.


44. What Are The First Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer?

Unlike the common myth that a lump is the only indication of breast cancer, there are multiple symptoms that can help in proactively seeking advanced diagnostics and medical help at an early stage. 


45. Are There Any Herbal Treatments For Sciatica Pain?

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down through each leg. Sciatica is the term used to describe pain originating in this nerve, either due to compression, inflammation, or general irritation.


46. What Do Pungent Farts Say About Your Health?

Fart is an English language word most commonly used to refer flatulence, which is the medical term for gas generated in the stomach or bowels. It is normal for humans to pass flatus through the rectum, although the volume and frequency may vary greatly between individuals. 


47. What Foods Kill Your Libido and Poison Your Sex Drive?

Certain foods may enhance your sex drive whereas some can ruin your libido and can cause serious problems in your sex life. While an anaphrodisiac is something that lowers the libido, aphrodisiac is something that enhances sexual appetite. Loss of libido is a common problem that can affect approximately 1 in 5 men and even more women at some point in their life.


48. Which foods Improve Your Vaginal Health?

Vaginal infections and irritations can be very painful. Itching, burning, redness or any kind of discomfort can make you restless and uncomfortable. Here are a few foods that you must incorporate in your diet for a healthy vagina.


49. Benefits Of Soaking And Sprouting Nuts

I absolutely love nuts. I really could nibble on them all day. People are often scared that this will make them fat, but I lost my last 10 pounds while including nuts as part of my daily regimen. So I thought, if I’m obsessed with nuts, others must feel the same way.


50. What Is Vagina Detox And How To Do It At Home?

Vagina detox (vaginal steaming) is all about using steam and a selection of herbs to cleanse the vagina.
