3 Simple Ways For A Quick, Super Effective Exercise Session

3 Simple Ways For A Quick, Super Effective Exercise Session
3 Simple Ways For A Quick, Super Effective Exercise Session

Do you ever feel pressed for time and stressed over getting your workout in? You aren’t alone. Not having enough time to complete a workout session is one of the most common excuses for most people to blow off exercise. If you are new to exercise, or have a limited background, you may not be aware that there are a number of great techniques that you can utilize to help ensure that you not only get a good workout in, but one that’s easy to fit into a busy schedule. Today, I’m going to go over my personal top 3 favorites to help you overcome this hurdle.


The first time saver that we will discuss is a standard protocol for most my Cutting Edge workout programs- supersets. I utilize this technique to create more workout density (more work) within a given session. You can use it to save time.


This works especially well if you are doing a full body workout or training non-competing body parts. Pair together an upper body movement with a lower body one and you can reduce the total rest you have to take during that session by about half.

Another reason I like to utilize supersets -it boosts your heart rate. This means it could easily get you burning more calories…even after the session is completed (otherwise known as EPOC).


Drop Sets

Moving along, drop setting is one of my favorite advanced techniques. It’s a great idea, as well, when you need to save time. Using this technique, you can get away with just doing one single drop set since there are basically multiple (usually three) sets-in-one.

This is a very intense technique, so just be sure that you aren’t doing it every single workout session. I would advise against doing it for every exercise, as well.


However, incorporating drop-sets for a couple exercises will help speed the pace of the session.

Reduce Your Rest Periods

Finally, consider reducing your rest periods. Although you might not be able to handle your normal resistance load for each exercise, cutting down on your rest periods is a great way to push your workout to a new intensity level. And on those days where you are really short on time, it can be a fast and effective way to get into the gym, get your workout done, and get out.


I will emphasize this one more time for anyone who is an “ego lifter”…be forewarned! You’re going to struggle to maintain the weight you might normally use. For some, this is a hard pill to swallow. Nevertheless, the intensity added by the shortened rest periods can be a great way to jump-start some new progress.

So there, you have a few fast and effective techniques to help shorten your workout session but still get in the workout that you desire as you move closer to your fitness goal. Next time you’re in a hurry to get your workout completed, try one or a combination of these 3 techniques rather than forgoing the session entirely.
