10 Amazing Ayurveda Health Benefits of Mango

Benefits of Mango
10 Amazing Ayurveda Health Benefits of Mango

Is Mango Good For You?

Enjoying mango moods, are you? The scrumptious mango slices, mango juice, mango drinks and squashes, mango pickles, mango chutneys, mango shakes, mango puddings, mango ice-cream and so on and so forth. I simply love to be slurping onto the ripe and juicy mango during the Mango season! Mango, king of fruits, not only has a widespread liking owing to the delicious taste, Ayurveda believes that the fruit of mango actually bestows a number of health benefits and wellness virtues.

What Vitamins Does A Mango Have?

Natural Analysis of Mango discloses that the fruit of mango is nourishing and contains a good amount of iron, vitamin A, B and C. Other components include citric acid, tartaric acid and some amounts of minerals like calcium, phosphorous and potassium.


What Ayurveda Conveys?

Ayurveda conveys that the ripe mango is superior in taste, increases the liking for food, good for the heart as well as for the skin complexion. Also being a natural diuretic, the fruit of mango improves the digestion, relieves constipation and tones up the liver. The fruit also aids in increasing all the seven body nutrients or the dhatus (body tissues) i.e. Rasa (food juice), Rakta (blood), Maansa (flesh), Medha (fat), Asthi (bones), Majja (bone marrow) and Shukra (semen).

Mango and Dosha Healing

Mango fruit is a nature’s boon as it is believed in Ayurveda to decrease the aggravated Vata and Pitta doshas or the air and fire body humors which when aggravate and increase from their normal values create an imbalance in the body systems and thus result in the origin of a number of ailments.


10 Amazing Ayurveda Health Benefits of Mango

Ayurveda counsels the use of mango fruit in a number of ailments, other than conferring Natural well-being and vigour.

Some medicinal uses and home remedies of the mango fruit are highlighted.

  1. Useful in Controlling Anemia

    The pulp of the ripe fruit taken regularly along with sweetened milk is a natural help in increasing the hemoglobin levels.

  2. Boon for the Eyes

    It is a known fact that kiwi fruits benefit eyes in different ways. Mangoes are similar to kiwis when it comes to the nutrient profile. Being rich in vitamin A, mango fruit is a boon for the eyes. A regular intake of the same during the season, not only complements the required amount of the vitamin A but also stores the extra amount for any further needs.

  3. Good for the Heart

    A Moderate intake of the ripe fruit strengthens the heart and relieves from palpitations.

  4. Cure for Bee-Sting

    The juice that oozes when mango fruit is plucked from the tree can be applied on the site of a sting to relieve pain and the kernel should be rubbed to undo the toxicity.

  5. Useful in Burns

    The ash of mango leaves is a good remedy for burns.

  6. Home Remedy for Diarrhea

    As a home remedy for diarrhea, the kernel of the mango fruit may be roasted. This is to be taken with lemon juice and black salt. Also, powder prepared from the dried flowers of the mango tree is useful in case of chronic diarrhea or dysentery.

  7. Benefit for Teeth and Gums

    A decoction prepared from the bark of a mango tree when used as gargles relieves from ailments like tooth decay, bleeding from the teeth and bad breath. The seed of mango is dried and made into a paste which when massaged into the teeth and gums, stops the bleeding instantly.

  8. Use in Diabetes

    Juice extracted from a few fresh leaves of the mango tree when taken along with an equal quantity of the juice of bitter gourd on an empty stomach during the initial stages of the disease proves quite beneficial in eradicating the disease.

  9. Beneficial for Women

    The liquid extract from the bark of the tree is used to cure some of the women ailments like leucorrhoea and heavy bleeding.

  10. Prevents Cancer

    The antioxidants present in Mango fight against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.

Eating Mango During Pregnancy

Mangoes are rich in iron, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and folic acid which are essential nutrients for pregnancy. Also, mangoes are rich in fiber, which maintains the digestive health and prevents constipation.
